Ladies: Which male physique would you prefer?

I like 11 the best, the rest are blah, 7 is okay too but a little bulky on the arms. I like the look of not obvious weight lifting but more of a swimmers surfers body. And I’m 33.

I’m #1 !!!

ah tall and lanky guys do it for me, so I guess #11, but maybe taller and thinner.
That being said, the guy Im currently with looks more like 3 and no complaints there either.

And Im 37.

Not around here they aren’t. And why would we lie? It’s a fantasy quiz–if I liked 7 or 10 I’d just say so. Overbulked guys look weird to me. Not interested.

Age 33.

In order of preference:

#11 (you’d probably have to have a pretty thin skeletal frame to pull this one off)

I truly dislike #6 and #8. Way too muscular.

Now, if you want to see what I’d consider truly perfect, that would be this.

If they’d secretly covet 7 or 10, why not say so? This is an anonymous message board, after all.

I say 11, and 11 is what I married. He doesn’t look like that now. (I’ll bet he would if I’d done the cooking, though.)

7 and 11 are both attractive to me, in the “overall fit but not obsessive about muscle-bulking” sort of way.

Nah. My ex is kind of a cross between 7 and 10 and my current so is very much an 11 and I find him much hotter. I will say that many of the women I see with the “meat-head-bodybuilder” type tend to be the “bleached-blond-fake-tanned-silicone-breasts” type so I guess if that’s what you find attractive in a woman then bulk is what to aim for.

So, dgrdfd, now that there seems to be a consensus, what do you plan to do with the info?

I was going to say “none of the above” but then I took a closer look (“What is this 11 of which you are all speaking?”) Now I think I’ll have to go with 11. Musclebound does nothing for me - I have better things to do than spend hours in a gym, and I like my mate to spend time with me outside of the gym, too. Even skinnier than 11 would work for me, too.

  • featherlou, female, 40, and FABULOUS! (Well, I don’t make small children scream.)

While we’re sorting the myths from the realities about what women like vs. what men think women like, we don’t care about baldness, either. If you’re going bald, get a very short haircut and pretend that’s what you wanted in the first place. Women don’t care anywhere near as much as guys do.

Well sure they are, if you consider women who are just as gym and body-obsessed as the bodybuilders the “hottest”. And naturally these two would hang together.

As for me, 11 is visually pleasing but a little too thin for my tastes from a more tactile perspective. I don’t love the musclebound thing from either a visual *or * tactile perspective. I like my guys beefy, but just a *little * soft, and definitely not covered in baby oil, unless I’ve specifically requested it.

And what occasions warant you requesting it? :wink:

Number… haha just kidding. One thing I will say is that those numbers dont seem to be a fair sample. They were all either ‘out of shape,’ ‘in great shape,’ or ‘OMG MY MUSCLEZORS!’ I think such a survey might get a better response with a wider variety of pictures.

Where are ladies like you near me? :smiley: :wink:

Can I just make a comment? (After also voting for 11?)

Speaking for myself and my girlfriends, it’s hard to overstate how odd it looks when a guy literally cannot hang naturally down by his sides because he is so freakishly over-built. 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 2 to a lesser extent, 6 probably if he put his arms down – that is not a natural look. I realize some of it might be posing, but some of it is also overbuilt lats and biceps.

For me, I honestly like a guy who’s a little bigger than 11. Not necessarily more muscley, but I tend to date bears (non-gay-male bears, that is). But 11 looks healthy and natural, and a lot of those others don’t. Oily hairless 8 with his mammoth thighs is actually kind of disturbing me, and not in a good way.

Healthy and built is good. “Next stop: 'Roid Rage” is not.

Amen, sisterfriend.

I’m 32.

#11 looks like the guys I went gaga for in college. Now that I’m a little older, I find some heft more attractive in a man.

#5-10 are sort of interesting to look at it, but I wouldn’t want to date any of them. I (oh so briefly) dated a #7 once, and he was delightful to look at, but he just didn’t have two thoughts to rub together. Poor thing. Mostly, though, I think people that look like that are way too worried about their bodies. I know I should be worried a bit more about mine, but there’s gotta be a happy medium.

#4, maybe. He’s all posed like he’s trying to be hawt, which turns me off.

#3 looks like most of the men I know.

#2 looks perfect. Strong enough to move the piano, but not obsessed with himself.

#1, I married.

Does he have a six pack? No. But he keeps my car filled with gas, he runs interference with my mother, he eats anything I cook, and he thinks I’m the cat’s pajamas. I far prefer it to a second set of shoulders!

Preach it!

And some bald guys are positively hot. My husband’s dad’s cousin (still with me?) is 70, bald as an egg, and frankly leaves Sean Connery in the dust. I’ve seen pictures of him when he had a full head of hair, and he looked good then, but he looks even better now.

  1. Though 9 isn’t too bad either. (I’m 30)