Lost 1.14: "Special"

Wasn’t he talking about Vince?

That wasn’t his school. He was home with his nanny.

Silly, the Lost bears breathe fire and can fly.

Not totally simple. But is was an easy enough fix. For the right person.

Walt is a magic key, I’m sure of it now. Did he ‘cause’ the plane crash? We’ve now seen he has no conscious control of his ability. Maybe IT controls HIM.

Oh. my. gods. I didn’t even notice that. rewind rewind play Wait, are you sure? Anybody? I thought I saw the belly.

If he makes things happen, couldn’t he have brought the plane down because he didn’t want to go anywhere with this “new father”? He said “I’m not going anywhere with you”, when Michael said he was coming home with him. He wanted so badly not to go that he brought the plane down somehow.

No, he was talking about the dog, not michael.

Locke said “he.” Since he was addressing Walt in Michael’s presence, I made a conclusion. Could be wrong. Maybe a double entendre metaphor? Refering to dog but meaning Dad?

Vince is the dog, right?

A few little things:

I think it’s rotten that you have to play golf if you want to compete for the last of the deodorant.

Hurley got the impression that Michael hates being a father. At the time, I think he might have been right.

Boone is completely under Locke’s spell, following him around like a sick puppy. Shannon put on her best hopeless sister act, and Boone couldn’t care less. He really did let it go.

When Locke and Boone heard something coming through the forest, I knew it wasn’t going to be Vincent. Or the TCM. Or the polar bear.

Also, when Locke was saying that about the dog, he was eye contacting Michael. Michael “found a way back” to Walt. He also found him this episode, just in time to save him. So, tho specifically referencing the dog, it’s pretty obvious to me he spaeking of the bigger picture, namely, Michael being brought back to Walt as his dad.

Maybe Walt “arranged” it. Locke recognises that Walt is special, after all. The man rarely says things for no reason, it seems.

I was kind of glad that next week’s episode was going to be a rerun of the Sayid backstory episode, since I hadn’t seen that. I was glad… until now. Stupid evil cliffhangers! Why must you make me wait? Why??

I’m still a little ambivalent on Locke, but I really liked the way he handled the Michael situation. I was kind of unnerved by how quickly Boone leapt to Locke’s defense, but the Great White Hunter himself did everything right. And, of course, now he has Michael and Walt on his side.

The thing is that I like Locke. He’s a good person (and a great character), and I think he means well. But he’s also one with the island in a lot of ways, and I’m not sure that the island is essentially benign. Even if it’s not totally dark, it does have a dark side to it. Because I can’t trust the island, I can’t really trust Locke, even though I think he’s sincere in his intentions. Does that make sense to anyone else?

That’s the great thing about this show. There’s room for interpretation and ambiguity and nuance. You can think about it.

Ah, now that is what I was trying to articulate in last week’s Lost thread. THANK YOU for putting the words together.

YES! Apparantly the writers and producers are thinking, too. That’s what makes this show so much fun to watch. We can all think.

Pretty sure. I looked hard in that 12 seconds. But, I forgot to tape it, so I can’t go back to double check. Maybe after it’s thru airing, someone can answer for sure.

So, how’s scarier, possibly psychotic (although he was back to helpful in this ep) shaman guy with the most compelling reason to never leave the island, or the omnipotent kid?

That was a good thing you did, Walt.

We got a look at the comic. I definitely saw Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), and possibly the Flash. Anyone with stronger comic-fu have that ep? Could’ve been Justice League, Flash, or Green Lantern, mid-1990’s to 2003 or so.

Micheal’s on Locke’s team now. He has a knife. Locke’s most vocal opposition has been placated.

Nice to see Charlie put Sawyer down like he was the Witch-King of Angmar.

Interesting to see that Locke went looking after the damn dog, not Claire. :wink:

I’m pretty sure he was talking about the dog. Right before that line, Walt was freaking out about Vincent (yep, that’s the dog) running off and right after the line, Locke and Boone are running around with the dog whistle that Locke made waaaaaay at the beginning.

I knew that was Claire. As soon as it panned down to Locke’s slow motion, knife-wielding hand, I was all, “Claire!”

Worst CGI polar bear ever. I wonder what happened to the dog.

Ug, yes. Who’s bad idea was that scene?
(Maybe if it was a fourth as long, maybe it would’a been ok.)

Dog ate the bear. Now he’s the Bear King.

Repeating for the Second Pagers™


I am loving our sussing-out of the whole “cult of the knife” thing. Is there another MB online where they are talking about this?

I think it’s interesting that we think Jack is Locke’s opposition, and while Locke’s knives are weapons, Jack’s pre-island life as a surgeon involved using knives for healing.

No, that was not me in the box.
