Lost 2.1: "Man of Science, Man of Faith"

I am prepared for anything. I am even prepared to deal with the multitude of people* who will start complaining that this season isn’t as good as last season was. A process that’s sure to start at exactly 9:01 tonight.

*[sub]Mostly people on other internet sites. Not people here.[/sub]

My friend who has a 42 inch high definition plasma TV just invited me over to watch at his place tonight.

I’m touching myself…


I just love how the thread’s up to 23 posts already and the show is still hours away. Dedication!

Let me chime in and say: “Wheeee!! I can’t wait!!”

I bet they’ll show nothing at all about Walt till the last 2 minutes, where they show him somewhere dark, looking around scared. Because they’re evil.

It’s just occurred to me that over the summer I got a DSL line and a better computer. No more waiting till Thursday morning and wading through four pages to discover somebody said exactly what I wanted to say! Woooo!

Well, apparently, rockle and I have our butts planted on the sofa at the same time. :wink:
Let’s see, Survivor, TAR (next week!) and Lost. What else?

Yes, turn off the ringers on the phone! Or at least don’t answer it. I’m always amazed at the number of people who come into the threads and say, “What happened after this part? My phone rang and it was my neighbor and I just had to answer it…”
Are you insane? Are you forgetting the first rule of watching Lost?
Thou shalt not answer the phone whilst Lost* is on!

I think I’ll stick around for Invasion, too. It looks pretty good. I’ll have to tape Law & Order.

  • Or Survivor or The Amazing Race. Take your pick. :slight_smile:

Tonight you will find out (spoilers contain only general info, no specifics, but be warned):

everything there is to know about what is in the hatch

By the end of the season you will find out

Why the plane crashed on the island. n.b.: Not “why they’re on the island”, just what the cause of the crash was.

The premise is something similar to Invasion of the Body Snatchers, from what I can tell. You’ll see plenty of comercials for it during “Lost” tonight, I’m sure.

I’ll see your 42 and raise you 50! If you haven’t seen “Lost” in HiDef, you are in for a real treat.

Hurricane Rita is headed my way, but *Lost * will get here first. Hooray! I trust we’ll have power again before next week’s episode, if it goes out at all.


My screen = 102 inches. Fear me.

I only fear your credit card bill.

I’m hoping and praying my evening class will be let out in time for me to catch the bus…

So, it’s going to be one of those kinds of contests, huh? Well, your screen might be bigger, but my… Ah, nevermind. :slight_smile:

My screen my only be 52", but it’s got DVR and surroundsound.

And a remote. Top that.

Hoooooray! Only a few hours away, and I just managed to finish the Season 1 DVDs.

And for all those with TiVos (or reasonable facsimile thereof), you’ll be happy to know the network has abandoned the one-hour-and-one-minute scheduling of last season (assuming that the programming guide information is correct).

I forgot that Lost begins tonight, too, sad to say. I realized it this morning, after I’d left the house, without the VCR set up to tape it, and I already had plans. This caused a brief scheduling crisis. Plans, which can be rearranged, or season premiere of Lost, which cannot. Hmmm…

Screw the plans! It’s Lost, dammit!

Two hours before airtime on the East Coast. Can we get up to two pages before the show even starts?

We can do it. We have the technology.

Speaking of technology:

My setup: digital hi-def front projector with 15’ throw (which is what gives me 102" diagonal screen area, and yes I measured), surround sound, TiVo, region-free DVD, phased-plasma rifle in the forty watt range… oh wait, scratch that.

Anyway, everybody always wants to come over to my house to watch movies. Wonder why. :slight_smile:


Woot! Woot!

Season 2!!!

Lost, then Invasion. Thank Og for commercials, cuz I don’t think my bladder could last that long! That, and I think the final shot of Lost will make me pee my pants. :smiley:

Twenty minutes … argh. The torture …

Make that an hour and twenty minutes, because I forgot about the frickin’ recap episode first in my excitement.

Still … I’m very excited. :slight_smile:

An hour and ten minutes to go.