Monday, Monday, da da da dada dada MMP

Nut, then you’d need about a pound of pumpkin puree. I guess you’d cook a punkin till it was soft, then moosh it up till it was nice and smooth. But no canned punkin?? And England looked so civilized when I was there… :wink:

Dupe. Never mind. Nothing to see here…

Sweet potato pie is similar.

Happy Moonday!

It’s a sunny 52 degrees outside. Not so bad.

I already made my call to the MD Exchange. I got somebody who knew what he was doing and so it wasn’t so bad. I don’t know why everybody has so much trouble with Sah-son’s last name though. Everybody mispronounces it and/or misspells it.
I made the call to the insurance company and that will be corrected.

I still have to deal with signing the mortgage papers. I think I may have to turn the the pages on my computer, then send an email so I can download and sign them from my phone.

I think today we should mow the lawn, maybe tomorrow.
My mother wants us to come by for a few days.
We’re slowly getting stuff done around here.

I haven’t eaten breakfast yet and it’s almost time for lunch.

Happy Birthday FCD!!!

Mmmm… nice recipe!

Question- instead of the individual spices, have you experimented using pumpkin pie spice? If so- how much should be added?

I mentioned pumpkin pie spice after the recipe - you can use 1 tablespoon instead of the 3 spices listed. And it really is a very good recipe - I’ve been using it for something like 30 years. :smiley:

**flytrap **- sweet potato pie is on my list to try. Maybe next week, or after we get back from FL.

Pumpkin pie spice is an abomination. Use the individual ones and use fresh ground nutmeg. Makes people who don’t like pumpkin pie eat all of mine. And I am not a foodie or a food snob! Fresh ground nutmeg is the bomb. Buy some whole nutmegs and a microplane and you are good for (at this point) 10 years and counting. By this time I would have spent three times as much buying ground nutmeg and then throwing it away when it got old, and it would never have been as good.

ETA sorry, that sounded kinda ranty. Never mind. It’s moanday.

Hmm, I see some experimenting in my future! I have a bunch of sweet potatoes I have no plans for, if I can’t find any decent punkin (annoyingly the carving ones have properly caught on, but they’re awful tasting, but eatin’ ones are still somehow ‘specialist’ and expensive).

Jobs applied for, bread in oven, cat laughed at (he’s finally realised the aquarium has fisheses in, and is determined to scratch through the glass…). Fairly productive, really.

Finally got the forms signed and sent to mortgage company.
The fix was simple, turn off the rotation on my phone duh!
Sometimes the solutions are too simple.

Howdy Y’all! Today I have conference called, been to the near north forty, immersed myself in paperirk and had N.O.L. All in all, a productive Moanday so far.

Nay! Sweet N.O.T. pie is vastly superior.

And now, back to the pile of paperirk stuff. ICK!

Dyslexia Moanday: I read this as, "cat in oven, bread laughed…’

Nothing ranty about that. I haven’t bought ground nutmeg in probably 15 years. I just wish I was able to stop DH from buying an expensive bottle of mace a couple of years ago and only using about 1/4 teaspoon of it. Mace and nutmeg are extremely similar things, almost to the point of something like ground beef vs ground chuck.

Tongue twister for the day from our workshops for the Dickens Christmas Fair…

Good blood, bad blood, good blood, bad blood, good blood, bad blood, good blood bad blood, good blood, bad blood.

It’s really more of a practice for enunciation, but if you try to do it too fast, you may injure yourself.


The birthday boy repaired and serviced the mulcher/vac and dispatched the leaves from the front yard and the side yard. We’ll tend to the back tomorrow when the clotheslines are bare. All the mulched leaves have been dumped in the front garden and I’ve spread them around as far as they would go. We need a good rain to moosh them down. I also ran to WaWa and filled 2 gas jugs and the car. Yay for us!!

Supper tonight will be ham/onion/peas/N.O.T. casserole - I’ll start that after I bring in the jeans and shirts from the lines. Meanwhile, I need to rest and cool down. Manual labor is a challenge when you approach geezerdom!!

Moooom - I used similar spices in my pumpkin spice muffin, but I used cinnamon, cloves, and…nutmeg, I think.

I practiced my clarinet today. Other than that, I’m afraid I haven’t accomplished much.

Isn’t canned pumpkin spiced?

I’m having an “I Don’t Like Mondays” day. Asthma is flared up thanks to the changes in temp, so I’ve been using my nebulizer and took some steroids. I have a headache now. Welcome to the autumn/winter cusp. But at least I can work from home.

I have a recipe…

You can either buy pumpkin or pumpkin pie filling. One is plain, the other is spiced and just needs eggs and water, I think. I don’t know, I just buy plain pumpkin.

Back from a run to the grocery store. We needed milk, and a bunch of other stuff jumped into my cart. I went thru the 12-item express line with 14 items. I’m so ashamed…

Yeah, sure. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fie, Madame! What sort of example do you set for the Youth of America?

There were no Youth of America in Food Lion - they were all in school where they belonged. So :stuck_out_tongue:

Supper is in the oven, spousal unit is in the shower, laundry is in the closets, and the sun is setting. Early dark doth sucketh mightily!!