Monopoly movie - this is a joke, right?

I wonder if the gleaming dog of finance will be CGI or played by a live action yorkie?


I mentioned this to my SO, and he said, “Milton Bradley goes insane! And we descend into his world.”

I kind of like the idea.

I’d help with “fill in the trailer,” but I rolled a 2 on two dice and promptly got arrested.

I’m assuming Kirsten will place 2nd to Scarlett in the Beauty Contest scene.

Well, that’s the chance you take.

With all the video game movies whose plot bears so little resemblance to the actual games, I’m surprised people are expecting Monopoly, of all things, to hew very closely to its paperboard incarnation…


“In a world where every move is a throw of the dice …”

It’s a Scottie. It’s name is Scotty.

“Mr. Shue, you did not buy the tract on New York Avenue, and, given that, I now start an auction. What am I bid? What am I bid? I hear $50 from Ms. Carr, do I here $60? Yes, I hear $60 from Mr. Shipp, can I get $70?..”

If they cast Scarlett as the Top Hat and then tell her it’s also her complete costume, I predict a success.

Hopefully the movie won’t go on 4 hours.

IMHO, not much different than basing movies on theme park rides.

I have nothing to contribute, except this and this. :smiley:

Can we get Robert Duvall as the Monpoly Guy? Cause I thought he was awesome as Randolf Hearst in Newsies.

Hey, real estate deals are causing a lot of real drama in people’s lives these days…

Monopolising property management and extorting astronomical rates. Sounds like a good base for a plot to me.

If all the money paid goes into the center of the board and then given out whenever someone lands on Free Parking, I will personally put on an unpleasant facial expression.

(F-ing A, what a stupid game…)

It was not originally a cartoon. It was originally a toy long before it was a cartoon. With kung fu grip.

That’s the sequel: Monopoly II: House Rules Hell

He took a chance by dipping into the community chest…:smack: