Monopoly movie - this is a joke, right?

Theoretically true. But Pirates of the Caribbean was a theme park ride about pirates. Monopoly is a boardgame about real estate developers.

This one’s more likely to fall in with Tower of Terror, The Country Bears, and The Haunted Mansion.

Christopher Walken: “Mrs. Tophat, you’ve spent a wonderful night at my Boardwark Hotel, now it’s time to pay your bill.”

Scarlett Johansen: “But sir, I don’t have enough money to pay you!” sobs

Christopher Walken: “Well you’ll either have to give me Marvin Gardens or we could think of another way for you to pay. Muhahahahahaha!”

Pure gold, it just writes itself!

True, but the GI Joe movie adaptation is based solely on the cartoon and 80s miniture toy line. So the line in the article is completely wrong.

Was the cartoon based on the comics, or did the comics come from the cartoon?

Wikipedia says they were created in tandem, but the cartoon was developed first (referring to the comic as a “tie-in”).

Heh, so they had GI Joe Comics and a GI Joe cartoon that showed commercials for GI Joe toys during the breaks. Brilliant!

Geez, guys, mentally add an “s” at the end of “character” and be done with it.
You’ve monopolized our thread…

So in the movie, will the characters drive around town and randomly stop and they HAVE to rent a room at the going rate where ever they are? You know, instead of driving three blocks to their own place.

Adult Swim reran the Robot Chicken episode with board game themed movie trailers last night after the new Star Wars special. They missed the boat on Monopoly though.

G.I. Joe: There maam. I’ve defeated the evil COBRA. You are now free to purchase your own health insurance.
Old Lady: Oh, thank you young man!
Both depart the devasted office. Then out of a dark corner step two men.
Man 1: Joe has defeated our first plan, but I think we can expand our reach and institute something a little more comprehensive, eh, Mr. Oxley?
Man 2: Quite right, Mr. Sarbanes. If he thinks navigating paperwork was tough before - wait’ll he gets a load of US!

Especially given the futuristic theme suggested, couldn’t this simply be conceived as a Lottery-style tv show?

FOX TV buys post apocalyptic Atlantic City and razes the appropriate blocks. Some reasonable number – maybe 7 – of contestants are randomly selected to play and their game decisions are brought to fruition very quickly.

Its basically Great Race meets Extreme Makeover.

I see this movie writing itself. The problem isn’t ‘where’s the plot?’ its ‘how do we make this only 2 hours long.’ It’ll probably be redone as a TV show. Maybe the movie can simply introduce the theme, then each week there are PPV ‘webisodes’ to rake in more cash.

Of course they have to figure out how to keep the leggy blonde and the down-on-his-luck single dad in the game until the end.

I don’t care what the plot is or who the actors are but there better be little pastel money and a lot of it. Giant bags full. And no cheesy “rolling doubles” jokes, Scarlett doesn’t do well with humor.

Maybe it will be like Robin Williams’ Jumanji. They fall into the board game, and the evil little monocled man chases them around Atlantic City with an iron, thimble, Scottie, etc. They race around, buying up property as they go. At one point, they go to jail (cue the lesbian shower scene).

I heard it was Julia Roberts.

She’s in talks to play the shoe, because her face looks like a foot you see.

No, definitely Sarah Jessica Parker.

OK, this just caused me to have a Lidsville flashback that was both terrifying and strangely erotic. I will be sending you my therapy bills.

The idea of a movie (or a game for that matter) about real estate being called Monopoly is kind of dumb. There are a lot of industries that can be monopolized by one or two companies, but real estate isn’t one of them. It’s even weirder when you focus on homes. A monopoly on home ownership?

I never thought of it that way. I guess they’re saying you would have a monopoly on the “rental” business in that area.

Oh, and Monopoly isn’t dumb, YOU are dumb. Nanny-nanny boo-boo. :wink:

Sure. Just like if George Bailey had never been born. Bye-bye Bedford Falls, hello Potterville.