My boyfriend is now officially behaving like an ass

Perhaps you dump someone you said you loved? }:->

Having been on the receiving end of that kind of weaselly breakup, I say good for you for confronting him. It’s a shitty thing to do to somebody to break up by blowing them off. Ass. Do you happen to have a dartboard handy? That’s what I did with my pictures of one ex. I just happened to be pitching darts into his face when he called to attempt to explain.

Sorry you had to go through this, Otto. No matter how good this is in the long run (and it is), it still stings in the moment. Hope you don’t let this creep’s asshattery bring you down too much.

That’s a BS way to treat somebody. I’m always in favor of just fucking telling somebody what you think, straightforward and honest, and letting them deal with it. Playing these little fucking games is so fucking high school, it’s immature bullshit.

My parents dated merely a month before my dad proposed, and they’ve been married since '75…but in 99% of all relationships, someone telling you he/she “loves” you only a week in is just creepy and certainly not genuine.

My friend Adam would call this sort of person a “drama queen”, someone who loves the attention he gets from these little games, who likes to make everything more complicated than it has to be. You don’t have to take it, and good for you for standing up and just being honest and telling him off. You sound like the kind of person who has his head screwed on straight, and I have no doubt you’ll find better fellas than this jerk.

Got a pic, Otto?


Ouch, that really sucks. :frowning: Getting taken by a weasal is never fun. Keep your dignity, and hang in there. ((Otto))

I’ve had that happen too. In my case, the guy hoped that somehow I’d still carry a flame for him, and he could use me as a “spare”. :rolleyes: I got a little revenge about a year later. He came back into town, and looked me up. I accepted his offer for a friendly dinner, because he said he wanted to explain himself, and that he felt he owed apologies to me.

He explained that he’d fallen in “love” with IMO a trashy, tacky slut. (He told me she had blood red bangs with medium brown hair, bad manners, and screwed his best friend. He didn’t know that his room mate ratted him out a year before.) He apologized, said he could see what a terrible mistake he’d made, that I was the true lady etc. I let him kiss my cheek, and hold my hand, and apologize. I made peace with him, but told him bluntly that “Not only No, but hell no I will not date you again! I’m not going to be second fiddle to THAT!!!” :wink:

We’re actually on amiable terms now, he became good friends with my baby brother.

Good Luck Otto.

Good on ya for kickin’ him to the curb. Had to be done.

What a horrible piece of fuck.

Man, that guy needs more “accidental” hits in the face with a crowbar.

Now that should have been your first warning sign: anyone who professes their love that quickly in a relationship is going to be trouble down the road. Sorry to hear things unfolded the way they did.

Otto good for you baby! Now you’re free to find yourself a REAL man! This one sucked!

“You’re giving me ‘It’s not you, it’s me’?! I invented ‘It’s not you, it’s me’!!” - George Costanza

Sounds like you’re much better off without him.

Years from now you’ll wonder what it was you ever saw in him.

I’m sorry for any pain you’re feeling now, but believe me, the pain will eventually go away.


Ooop. Sorry, misread. Yep. Feel better now, for me. Still feel bad for otto, but glad mister asshat got hit in the face with a crowbar, accidental or not, so I guess it’s sort of a potpourri of emotions. :wink:

What a shitbag. Of course you’re better off without him and his weaselly ways, but it still hurts like a bastard. Sorry you’re hurting. It’ll pass.

Of me or of him? I’ve disposed of all of the pics of him save two which are elsewhere. Although maybe I should post some around the internet. Sort of like that episode of Designing Women where Mary Jo gets “Donaldized.” “If you see this man, don’t date him!”

Thanks for all the good wishes and kind words, everyone.

I remember that episode! The women who dated that guy formed a support group!

Well, Otto, it’s official - you’re a hottie. Best wishes for getting over the bad boyfriend and moving on with your life.

Otto, that SUCKS. What an asshat. (And I’m GLAD he got hit by a crowbar-some kind of pre-karma?)

I’ll second that! Woof, dude.

Good luck, and have some fun now that you’re single again.

Otto, it’s so obvious to me that you dumped him first. And let him hang around out of pity for a while before the dumping. That’s my story if anybody asks.

Have fun with the Shredder on Tuesday.

My advice, in case you’re as young as I think you are and likely to run into him. If you happen to wind up in the same place again, be sure to say things like, “oh god, there’s that guy I dumped. I feel kind of bad for him. Hope he’s still afraid to speak to me.” It’s not really a little white lie or playing games, it’s more like creating the reality you need. :wink: Anyway, your close friend will know the whole story and your hanger-on-not-really-close friends don’t need to know.