Need healing thoughts, prayers, what have you

Any updates?

(hugs and healing vibes)

Please let us know how you’re doing.

You’re always sending good wishes to everyone on these boards who needs them. Here’s some back!

Good luck, my friend.

Good luck and healing vibes heading your way.

Good thoughts headed your way! Be well soon!

Somehow, Khadaji, I always think of you as my “brother in sucky health”!

A not-insignificant percentage of folks who’ve had the weight loss surgery I’ve had end up with obstructions, so I’ve heard all about it!

The good news is, it seems easily reparable. The bad news is, in the meantime, it sucks!

Hope you feel better real soon, and I’ll say a healing prayer for you!

Hernias are annoying! Here’s a health to you, hugs (and kisses, too, if you want 'em from a hairy guy)

I have more kisses! Not from a hairy guy. :smiley:

Also a big, big hug and lots of crossed fingers, wishes, and prayers. Be well!

Sending good thoughts, and sympathy.

Khadaji - Can you update?

His last post was 6/24.


I’m worried, too. He must have ended up with another surgery?

Was hoping to see you had posted an update by today. I really hope you’re doing better. Please post to let us know. We’re worried about you.

I know, sweetie. But they have to fix you.

Post when you can.

Hello and thanks for all the well wishes!

My doc said this was another thing that “almost never happens, I mean, we know it *can *happen, but we’ve never seen it.” I can’t tell you how many times I have heard that…

Medical types, I was (am) on a lot pain meds when they explained this to me, if you I report it wrong, I won’t be hurt if you clarify for people.

I had a diaphramatic hernia.

Fixing the post-op hernia with mesh created enough pressure in the stomach such that it pushed up on my diaphram and herniated that. I had a huge loop of both small and big bowel up in the chest cavity.

The doc said that the last one would hurt a lot. I made fun of him, but he wasn’t kidding, I was in agony.

He told me this one would be mild and only take 1.5 to 2 hours.

He was wrong. I was on for 8 hours and - again was in agony. (continued.)

I have been in just over a week. I have said this in other threads, but I want to give a shout-out again to nurses. What a tough job yours looks like, and yet so very many of you were just wonderful to me. I had one and only one that was a bitch (even the other nurses said it) and one that was kind of indifferent.

And the rest - holy cow, you treated me well.

Tuesday last week I was very depressed. I knew another op was coming and I could face it. My night nurse recognised me from the May 30th op. Sh was one that liked to tease a little, was, as my dad would say, sassy.

She tried to tease me that night, but I couldn’t bring myself to play. She asked me what was wrong and when she realized how depressed I was she spent most of the night with me, just talking. Just keeping my mind off of my problems. She didn’t neglect her other patients, but she came to me when she could. 8:00 rolls by and her shift is over and she is still there, just keeping me company.

Tina: Thank you and bless you.

Friday my heart went into A-FIB. Tina took me down to the cardiac unit and then told the nurses there that I was special and to treat me right.

The docs keep saying my A-FIB is episodic and once my stomach issues resolve, so will the A-FIB. I have heard that now from 4 Cardiologists, so I hope it is true.

The surgeons all think I am fully and finally fixed. (they told me that last time.) But they did say that I should lose weight to decrease chance of recurrence. (Not a problem I have only been able to have a few bytes of food each meal since May 30.)

Thanks for all the good wishes.

So glad to hear from you, Khadaji. Sorry that you had to go through yet another surgery and all that pain. I truly hope that everything really is fixed this time.

Good wishes for a speedy recovery.


Sorry for your pain, Khadaji; sending healing thoughts your way. I hope it’s fixed, over and done with.

And two thumbs up to your nurse, Tina. Nursing doesn’t leave them a lot of spare time for special patients, so she gets a big wet virtual kiss for sticking with you like that. May we all be lucky enough to get a Tina when we do our stays in the hospital.

I’m really relieved to hear from you, Khadaji. You’ve crossed my mind often this past week and I’ve been sending good thoughts your way. I hope everything is fixed for good this time, and that you recover quickly.