New favorite commercial(s)

I love the teasing Bigfoot ones for…beef jerky, I think. Especially the one where they dunk his hand in warm water while he’s napping. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also the Geico one with the deep-voiced actor (what’s his name?) where he’s creatively translating the woman’s story, “I put on some tangerine lip gloss and answered the door.” Heh.

You know, that is a pet peeve amoung many here. Please just don’t post a link saying “this one”.

Explain, and tell us what the link is for. Many of us don’t go anonymous link hopping and Youtube doesn’t work for everyone either, so those dudes would have no idea what you like.

The link is to an ad, not surprising in a thread about ads, and I chose to say nothing about the content because it’s funnier that way. Hover over the link and look bottom left and you can see that it’s on youtube. Don’t want to go there…don’t. I look at lots of links every day without opening them but it never occured to me to be “peeved” about them.

Apologies to all those I have offended, however under the same circumstances I may make the same mistake again. Oops too late I already did 2 posts later.

Greywolf73, that’s Peter Graves, best known from the original Mission Impossible television series. A Mr. Phelps, I believe.

Oh, I like that one too. So many parents can relate…all you have to say is “Really?” and “Uh-huh” and let them ramble on and on and on and on…

Really? My girlfriend and I were talking about that one not too long ago and it was explained as “The one where the guy with the curly hair who’s dressed like Inspector Gadget is hitting on the Eskimo girl who can’t act.” Those two are definately part of the trend of Using Odd Looking People in Advertising.

There’s one for Logitech webcams I’ve seen a few times, where a guy is showing his dad his new “grandchild”: a pug. Very cute, and funny dialogue. “Better get that thing a respirator…”

Sigh…this is one of the problems with DVR. Yes, I get to skip through all the crappy commercials, but I miss out on the good ones as well. I’ve seen maybe two of the ones mentioned here. Ah well…

I really like a lot of the recent Comcast commercials:

“It’s a pagoda!”
Deer mouth-to-mouth
“Snack to the Future”
“Sweater on the Highway”
The Pyramid
Jr. water cooler talk
Yes, even the Slowskys.

(though I don’t like those commercials with the two guys thrown into weird contexts)

Travelers Insurance has an ad in which a man rolls down a hill, collecting objects as he goes. All of the objects get shaken off when he reaches the bottom. The message is something about how Travelers helps you roll with whatever life throws at you. The music is catchy, and the visuals are clever- it’s like a real-life version of Katamari Damacy.

TV Land has a commercial for its new “reali-T” show I Pity the Fool. A woman has a large number of items at a supermarket’s express line. Mr. T comes along and rips the “Express Line- 12 Items or Less” sign off of the register and throws it into the shopping cart, saying, “12 items or less isn’t a suggestion- it’s a rule, fool!” I love Mr. T, and I work in a supermarket, so this really tickled me.

I like the Sportscenter commercial with the Mannings. They are on a tour of the ESPN studio, and Peyton and Eli are at the rear of the group, acting like little kids. They are hitting, giving wet willies, etc. Their father, Archie turns around and gives them The Look.
Cracks me up every time.

By the way, for the sports impaired, Peyton are pro football quarterbacks, and their father is a former pro quarterback.

I hate to double post, but make that Peyton and Eli. Thanks awfully.

I like the Gatorade commercials with the big heads on children’s bodies playing different games: Jeter, Manning, Wade - I love it!

The Arby’s commercial with the waterskiing team hitting the jump ramp from the wrong direction because the boat driver and watcher were too busy thinking about Arbys.

That is nothing short of awsome.

My current favorit is Abe Lincoln, The Astronaught and the Beaver:

don’t ask, how can you post a mediocre Carlton Draught ad and ignore the end-all-be-all beer ad for Carlton in A really big ad?

I like the one where they are doing tasks around the house like making breakfast and they are doing it QB style, for example: Eli drops the eggs and Peyton immediately barks out “Check to pancakes!”

Well, bear in mind as well some of us can’t click a link that has no description because we’re at work, so we need to ensure it’s SFW, and not from a site that will bring in a bunch of pop-ups and spyware.

Basically, it’s a pet peeve for a reason.

My favourite at the moment is the Coors Light one “Don’t worry, everyone, I’m a doctor. I’m a doctor, so.” and “It’s funny, because you’d think someone would have somethig cold.”

Also, the weiner dog one for PetSmart or whatever, where the weiner dog has to get a new BoBo.