Newsmax blogger John Perry dreams of military coup against Obama

My point is, if Ginny, Stevie, Virginie, Paulie or Louie said word one about Grayson, they need a definition of hypocrisy written out shoved up their collective asses. The same stands for any R-Wherever who condones their side’s hyperbole and demands sanctions for the other side’s.

Hijack over.

All is well. Defense Secretary Gates says he’ll do what the Commander in Cheif tells him to.

Whew! I’m glad we got that straightened out. BTW, since when does the SoD have to go on record saying he’ll listen to the president? Were there Defense Secretaries that did whatever the hell they wanted before this?

Even the suggestion that it was in question is an act of insubordination. Gates needs to be gone for that.

Well, there was Kissinger . . . No, wait, he was State . . .

Wow. That’s a pretty drastic thing to write- is the full text of it available anywhere?

The Salon story linked above has a link to another Salon story with the column excerpt. I’m not sure if it is the column in it’s entirety.

Here’s the whole column.

:eek: Merciful Og!

Longer excerpt from mediamatters

That’ll learn me not to preview!

I’m not clear on this, but I assume that sedition is protected speech under the first amendment?

Apparently not.

I can only hope that Mr. Perry has saved enough for his retirement, as this is career suicide. I hope.

I think Perry skates on sedition charges because he didn’t call for a military coup, he just thought it would be nice if there was one.

I’m gonna take a stab the two presidents Perry has served – Augusto Pinochet and Robert Mugabe.

How is it, exactly, that the scummier elements of the Republican/Conservative fringe seem to think that Obama has trampled the Constitution?

I wouldn’t be surprised if Newsmax’s publish-then-yank routine was thought out ahead of time; to get the article out, then pretend surprise on their part.

I doubt it; I expect some far right group will still be happy to hire him. It doesn’t really strike me as all that extreme or unusual by right wing standards. They loved to make implied threats against Clinton.

Or to quote an old Simpsons episode. "It was a bloodless coup. They were all smothered with pillows. "

  • makes smothering gesture *

By being an illegitimate president, what with being born in Kenya and all. Plus he’s a Socialist Marxist (according to this author. Others have called him a Facist Nazi. And still others have called him a socialist Nazi. Because they are all dumb) bent on turning Real Americans into godless, gay-loving abortionist. Also, he’s a Negro.

Note this passage:

There are no specific charges of un-Constitional acts or behavior, they just feel it.

Perry can’t be serious. You can’t be that stupid and breathe!

Well, well, well… it seems that the NewsMaxiePad has crossed the line between blowing off steam and committing felony sedition…

(emphasis added)

See previous post. He may have room and board for twenty years (or life, whichever comes first at his age) provided by Uncle Sam…