O.K., it is INSANE how gorgeous that Italian Actress from the Haagen Dazs commercial is.

I don’t find her all that attractive and I definitely would have no interest in that kind of crazy. Again.

[thoughtbubble] Dude doesn’t like short-tempered quarrelsome women. Perfectly reasonable. Some guys like bienville are down with that vibe, but not everybody needs to be. [/thoughtbubble]

[thoughtbubble] Heh-heh, “warning sticker”. Dude has a point, there’s downsides to being with an aggressive shrew no matter how pretty she may be. [/thoughtbubble]



Duuuuuuuuude. See that line there between “robustly opinionated” and “creepy as hell”?

You just crossed it.

Well, yes, there is a certain standard the advertising execs and casting directors adhere to. But every now and then there will be someone who just pushes all the right buttons. That appears to be the case for the OP.

The thing that surprises me is when guys expect other guys’ buttons to be the same as their own. I know mine aren’t. At some point it seems to be almost as individual as a fingerprint.

She’s beautiful when she’s angry.

I’d say she’s beautiful quite often, then.

Too bad, 'cause I wouldn’t hang around five minutes in that environment.

Just thought I’d say that I love that commercial too. And it’s good to see that there are others that think barefoot women are rather appealing.

Yes, she’s attractive looking, but rageaholics turn me off.

They’re quiet, at least.

I don’t think any guy expects that - what draws comment is the strength of other guys’ reactions. I say that as someone who frequently gets the reaction “You think she’s attractive?” and someone who’s had the same reaction to an ad as the op. I know who Catrinel Menghia is because I saw her in the first ad for the new Fiat 500 Abarth (and that ad is likely the inspiration for the ice cream ad) and looked her up.

My god, what straight guy didn’t? That ad carbonated my hormones :wink: as did the link to the image search above. She is a beautiful woman.

Well that’s not a sentence you hear often.

I think that this is obnoxious, pedantic, and officious.
I don’t think **Shagnasty **was making a biological lecture. I think it was generalizations about general things, and he wasn’t advocating rape or sex-trade slavery.
Stop the PC-metrics and chill.

The “buy” which shocks you so is an analogy; Had you ‘read’ it, and ‘reflected’ you would have suspected that nobody had ‘bought’ any of the members of the ‘breeds’ in question. There, also, is/was no ‘store’.

She’s so-so. You need to get out more. We have better-looking maids than that over here.

It all depends on what you are into but, yes, I find her quite attractive, and I could see that look really doing it for someone to the extent the OP indicates.

An average commercial break will have 4-5 actresses at least as good looking. Nice looking women are a dime a dozen on TV.

I don’t see what the deal is.

If the OP was a new poster, I would suspect someone hired by her agent as a shill.

I think she’s hot.
She’s attractive, feisty, and sexy. Probably a wildcat in bed.
But, she’d be impossible to live with.
But, that’s the point, isn’t it?

Yeah, we got all that.

It was still a pretty nasty turn of phrase.

All women in ads are attractive. Some more to your tastes than to mine, some more to my tastes than to yours.

Not only there are tons of super-attractive women in ads, but it’s the same all over the internet, TV, etc… Having visited erotic blogs during the last days, I’ve seen dozens, probably hundreds of women I found equally or more attractive.

When someone mention in a post “hottest woman ever”, it’s almost certain that this particular woman isn’t by far the most attractive (for me) I’ve seen recently. Almost always, she’s in the category “regularly hot women seen on TV I wouldn’t pay attention to”. As already stated, tastes vary a lot and you’re “drop dead gorgeous” is likely not to appear remarkable (for a model) to me and to most other men.
I too fail to see what the big deal is.

I didn’t say that - what’s her name? Catrinel Menghia from the Fiat ads? - was OMG THE MOSTEST HOTTEST EVAH!! I said I saw the ad and thought that she was beautiful - and judging by the reactions the ad got when I have heard it discussed, I wasn’t alone. Doesn’t make her the Best anything, but the ad stood out to a lot of people, including me - probably because she was beautiful and it was a humorous play on exotic Italian women and uptight guys who don’t know what hit them…

That is all.

ETA: other than to say that, in a world where Flo the Insurance Lady is sometimes discussed as “hot” (I seem to recall threads here that reference that) it is very, very clear that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that ads offer a little bit of something for everyone…