Oh why must you make it so hard to take your tragedy seriously.

The word would appear to be “cataboustrage”. I’m going to check my sources tonight.


Yeah, you wouldn’t want to steer us wrong.

Puns are bullsh-t.

What kind of cow weighs 3000 pounds?

A large one.

True, there’s a lot at steak.

In keeping with Brazilian Mourning Tradition, she’ll have to wear a veal for 90 days.

One that’s driving a Honda Civic.

At least the cow saved him from a lingering death by asbestosis, and that’s no bull.

Obey the CowGod!

I don’t like cows!!

You know, some of these puns ain’t calf bad.

Next on SyFy: * Cownado!*

The OP story sounds like a Gary Larson comic.

No. Not even a female gaur weighs 3,000 lbs.

And I did not read about this in the Weekly World News, which is more or less the standard for reporting oddball things that happen in oddball places.

Therefore, I think the whole thing is made up.

I’m pretty sure the cow story is a cover up from the asbestos industry. The guy died of mesothelioma from his roof.

Next, on late-night legal commercials:

“Have you or a loved one suffered injury or death from living under an asbestos roof? Has a cow fallen into your lap, releasing dangerous amounts of [del]milk[/del] asbestos dust? You may be entitled to substantial legal awards. Call +011 55 21 ROOF BULL today.”

If not, then he died from Bos primigenius taurus from his roof.

It is well past the Pedant’s bedtime.

But this story is still making stuff come out my nose. Thanks.

I did realize, sitting here, that if you sing Adele’s “Skyfall” but substitute “cow” for “sky” you are able to wrest from this tragedy a sort of Pythonesque nobility for someone (the mom, maybe?) facing this particular event.

*"Cow fall"

This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again

For this is the end
I’ve drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue I owe them
Swept away, I’m stolen

Let the cow fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together

Let the cow fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At cow fall
That cow fall…*

How can you people joke about such a moooooving story?

Is it cruel to make jokes when someone has died in such a manner? Hmm, I will have to ruminate about this.