Ok, as no one wants to pit the Bush girls.. (lame, help improve it)

Hey shithead, I may in live in the South, but I wasn’t born here. I was born and raised in New Albany, OH, which makes me as much as fucking Yankee as you are.

Well, actually, Tucker, I’m a peckerwood. Born in Waco, TX. Quiet little town, you never heard of it, nothing ever happens there…

(Tucker, tucker, bo bucker…) :smiley:

Doesn’t it reflect on George and Laura how they behave?

Is their development not a reflection on their skill and success as parents?

Why would we want someone running our country that raises idiots and puts them in the spotlight like sideshow freaks.

You were born in Ohio and you call yourself a Yankee???

Shocked, I am!!

spooje, born in Dayton.

Sure you weren’t born on Degobah? :stuck_out_tongue:

Because then we get to see hissy bitches like you get even more hysterical?

I dunno about that.

Jenna and Barbara.


Barbara looks more like Laura than does Jenna, IMO.

Yeah, but they’re, like, way hotter than Chelsea was. And stuff.

Yes and no. We can’t really fault the children for their parents’ evils. There are so many kids who grow up in screwed up households who turn out alright, and there are plenty of kids who grow up in “normal” households who turn out to have a screw or two loose.

Now that, IMHO, doesn’t excuse the type of behavior and values the Bushes have obviously instilled in their children; but it seems to me that attacking a couple of early-twenty college kids for being young, dumb and full of you-know-what is really missing the point. Attack the parents for bad parenting; don’t attack the kids for being a product of that crap.

And frankly it’s this kind of “below-the-belt” stuff that I’d expect from Pubbies and not Demos…which is probably me being stupidly optimistic.

They might open themselves up to it, fairly or unfairly, by opting to join their dad’s campaign and speak at the RNC and make other public appearances. I’d agree with you 110% leander, if they were two young women, quietly going about their daily lives, doing the things that people our age do…establishing a career, dating a few good-looking guys, enjoying the freedom of being out of school, etc etc. But they didn’t choose the non-public route. They chose to be right in the middle of the public eye, and as a result, subject to public opinion.

Fair enough. But still, it reminds me of that scene in Swingers, where Vince Vaugh is a big bear pretending to bat around a little bunny…these are just kids with a stupid, extremely luck dad. If he were a used car salesman (which he probably should be), they’d be out there hocking the 1979 Toyota Supra for him.

Why not go after the source rather than the product?

I agree with what you’re saying here. There is certainly enough legitimate targets when it comes to Bush (and the RNC I suppose) without even saying one word about his offspring.

Indeed, and it seems (to me) that it’s a bit of a cheap shot to go after his silly kids. Being a shitty father is probably pretty low on the totem pole, considering all his other massive screw-ups.

Are you some kind of Puritan? Does the mere thought of somebody under 21 drinking alcoholic beverages send you into some sort of fit of teetotalist indignant rage? I will never be able to understand that sort of attitude. College students drink, you should realize. I know, I know, your world-view is torn asunder. But the sooner you come to grips with it, the better off you will be.

Ah yes, where our idiot President’s from. Must be something in the water there. BTW, I was seriously considering switching my vote from Bush to Kerry, however, knowing that four more years of Bush would piss you off infinitely more than anything I could ever post here, I’m gonna go ahead and vote for Bush. :wally
Oh, and spooje, you’re born in Dayton and you call yourself an Ohioian? I was born within a stones throw of Columbus, where OSU is, and as we all know, if you ain’t a Buckeye, you ain’t an Ohioian, so I’ve got a better right to claim Ohioian and Yankee status than you do. :stuck_out_tongue:

At least the OP admits the thread is lame and begs for help to improve it. For all we know, it might have been some sort of high-order sarcasm, a parody of the Bush daughters. The fifth-grade grammar and composition, the rambling and incoherent syntax, the lack of topical structure, and the use of bizarre punctuation — perhaps all these are the tools of a genius who is mocking the intellectual capacities of others.

Them’s fightin’ words!!!

::thows a handful of buckeyes at Tuckerfan::

Take THAT!!!


Go Buckeyes!!!

Wow, Barbara looks just like her dad, especially in that shot.

As far as Jenna goes…eh, I’d still do her.

Didn’t we have, oh 4 or 5 years ago, major debates over Chelsea being slammed for her frumpy looks on these very boards? As well as the talking heads on all major networks?

Yes, Chelsea Clinton was used in the elections. Bill was showing his, um, worked and wanted to give it to interns and us.

No, I wasn’t a posting member then, but I was lurking.

So I turn it back on you Demmies, why bring in the children of the person you hate so much?

Bashing someone on their LOOKS is completely different than bashing someone on their BEHAVIOR, wouldn’t you agree?

I feel no personal need to hate on the Bush daughters, but that’s just me…I don’t they get a pass for acting like idiots just because they’re the candidate’s kids.