Ok, as no one wants to pit the Bush girls.. (lame, help improve it)

What’s wrong with their behavior? You mean because they allegedly like to party? Wouldn’t that put them right at home in leftist Hollywood? Wouldn’t it be the case that if they behaved like cloistered nuns, people would Pit that too?

Their behavior while speaking the other night, not their behavior overall - sorry if that was unclear. If they’re big enough to give a public speech, then they’re big enough to handle the criticisms of said speech.

I could care less about their past behavior and actions, but that doesn’t change the fact that they gave a silly, immature little speech that didn’t represent them very well if that’s not what they’re really like.

Oh, okay. Yes, I believe that Karl Rove said something to the effect that if he found out who was responsible for their speech, he would cut off their head.

I thought he said he was going to find out who it was, and hug him like he’s never been hugged.

Oh wait… I got that all wrong…

Runs in the family, I guess.


They gave, on national television, what will quite possibly be remembered as the worst speech of the convention. I think it’s perfectly fair to lambast them for it.

Maybe it’s just me, but their speech did not stick out as being shockingly terrible. I was amused when they mentioned Sex in the City (“What, they uttered the word sex in a room full of tight-ass Ashcrofts?”). When the audience laughter was extra-prolonged at one point, Barbara (or whoever the tall one is) turned her head to ask her sister anxiously, “What–what are they laughing at?” If I didn’t know they were 21, I would’ve seriously thought they were high school freshmen.

But it didn’t strike me being that bad of a speech. Maybe my expectations of them were so low that I was impressed that they could even read off the teleprompter without mispronouncing the “big” words. Yeah, that’s probably it.
The speech writers for the twins probably thought that if they could drop in a few pop culture references and a couple oblique references to drinking, then they could win over a few undecided college kids. Which again demonstrates that this party thinks Americans are idiots that want idiotic leadership, and is willing to appeal to the lowest common denominator just as long as it means a vote. But that’s another rant.


Yesterday I had to grit my teeth in feigned politeness as my respected registered-voter grandmother said “I don’t trust those over-educated people, they act like they know everything. College is too much education, if you ask me” :eek:

You know what’s really scary? They’re right. Why do you think the polls still show a roughly 50/50 split.

Oh, for the love of Og! Do you really need to carry around that load of dignity? What I gotta do, to clue you in that I’m kidding you. Fer Chrissake, I even included a fuckin’ smilie, and I * hate* fuckin’ smilies!

And if you’re honest-to-God such a buttmunchkin that you’d vote for a candidate because some guy on a message board busts your chops a little…well, hell, have yourself a good cry and join the herd of half-wits. I dunno, must have you confused with somebody else, I launched that thinking I was talking to a guy with a sense of humor.

My mistake. Won’t happen again.

Lest you miss your grandmother’s point, education and character are not necessarily connected. Some of the least trustworthy and most despicable people in history have been highly educated. Education is a fine thing, but without good common sense and decent moral character, it can be a dangerous thing.

And not every drop-out is a stunningly moral, paragon of virtue. Ignorance, however, is never a fine thing.

You supposition of what his grandmother meant is pure conjecture and, I’d guess, wrong. It reeks of the anti-intellectualism that the Limbaugh crowd wallow in. College is only too much education if you aspire no higher than being a stocker at the local Shop and Save.

Homebrew, I can understand that your pissed off about the Cheney thing, but nothing you said contradicts anything I said. I know that A -> B does not mean that B -> A. I have no college education other than part of a semester, and I’m doing just fine, thanks. Believe it or not, people can educate themselves.


ummm… it sounds like you’re giving Gargoyle’s grandmother more credit for subtlety of distinction than there’s any evidence she deserves.

Saying “I don’t automatically trust people just because they’re educated” is one thing. Saying “I don’t trust those over-educated people” is another. And “college is too much education” is just flat out preposterous.

I’m sure there’s an interesting and valid point to be made in there somewhere, something along the lines of “some people who have gone to college feel that their education means they know everything about everything, and they are obnoxious know-it-alls, even when discussing topics about which they are shockingly ignorant”. But Gargoyle’s grandmother did not say anything like that.

(Oh, and “Some of the least trustworthy and most despicable people in history have been highly educated”? What? Really? What an extraordinary newsflash! And here I thought that all college graduates were dipped into the Unfailing and Uncorruptable Waters of the River Righteousness upon being handed their diplomas…)

What I noticed was the end of Cheney’s speech, when his kids and grandkids all warmy and familial and gosh! what a wholesome family…

But where’s the other daughter? How did he explain that to her? What did he say? “Sorry, honey, you know how I feel, but you being a lesbian and all…”

Don’t know how other men feel, but I wouldn’t turn my back on my own child if it would get me elected God.

Oh well, that’s different, then. Smilies make everything better. It’s not really an ethnic slur if a smilie’s involved. You’re not wishing death on someone if you put a smilie there, nor are you really informing folks that you’re putting a poster on your “ignore” list if you use a smilie, and finally, it’s not really a tired old joke, that damn near everyone who’s spent time in the South finds offensive, because it’s a reference to a time when folks were unsophisticated and owned slaves and such if there’s a smilie used.

So I guess you’ll be staying out of GD then, since, you know, someone could post something about an issue on something as pathetic as an internet message board that might change your opinion about something.

Well, damn, when you post something funny, I’ll try to laugh.

Oh no, I’m sure you’ll be making plenty of mistakes in the future.

Who’s gonna tell you?

My opinion of the Bush twins is that the blonde ain’t much but if I was younger, single and had the opportunity I’d hit on the brunette.

It appears that some of you watched a speech they made. Why, fer shit’s sake? You coulda’ been readin’ and postin’ on the SDMB or watchin’ “Cold Mountain” on the Pay Per View.

Although I’d be very happy to see George Bush’s head impaled on a spike on the White House fence … though of course I do not advocate violence towards our dear Misleader it’s just a fun auto accident I like to daydream about … I won’t diss his daughters. I believe the Dems advocates often make the mistake of bringing a knife to a gun fight with their politesse, but I ain’t going after anybody’s kids. I guess this makes me a wishy-washy wimp of a liberal by Republican standards.