Real Identity Of Cecil Adams

Dread Pirate Roberts, eh?


they let children on this internet thingy now?.
Get off my lawn!.
(And Cecil Adams’ real identity is something mankind is not meant to know)

Cecil Adams is Emperor of all He Surveys; Yield to his infinite wisdom and bow down before him lest he smite you hip and thigh.

I bought my first car from Cecil Adams.

I want to see how Ed votes.

There’s a little Cecil in all of us.

You can’t handle the truth!

Wikipedia says that most people think that Ed Zotti is Cecil Adams.
So… it MUST be true!!!


<cue crickets>

Cecil Adams is Cecil Adams.

Tautologically speaking

Or Dr. Who.

I’ve heard he let the dogs out.

You are Number Six.

Cecil Adams is actually a guy named Adam Cecil.

I could tell you more but I’d have to kill you. Twice.

Cecil doesn’t exist. He’s a mass delusion brought about by too much smoking of the “straight” dope.

Cecil Adams is Edgar Alan Poe.

Edgar Alan Poe is not however, Cecil Adams.

He is Elvis Aron Presley.

Therefore, Cecil Adams is Elvis, because as we all know, Elvis is everywhere!

The question of Adams’ relationship to Zotti reminded me of The Bald Soprano, Eugene Ionesco’s first play. I’ll post part of a summary of that play that I found on-line:

… Frustrated, Mr. and Mrs. Smith begin to quarrel. Then, just as they are about to make up and retire to the bedroom for a little romp, Mary the maid enters announcing the arrival of guests—Mr. and Mrs. Martin. As the Smiths retire to change clothes, Mary shows the Martins into the room. Alone, the Martins begin to converse. Mr. Martin announces that he is certain they have met somewhere before. Mrs. Martin has the same suspicion. They are surprised to find that they are both from the city of Manchester, that they both took the same train to London, that they both traveled second class, that they both reside at No. 19 Bromfield Street, that they sleep in the same bed, and that they both have a two-year old daughter named Alice with one red eye and one white eye. They come to the conclusion, of course, that they must be husband and wife and embrace…

Spartacus is Cecil Adams. Or is it the other way around?

Of course it’s Ed Zotti.

Thats…not precisely true.

Keep your eyes open around here–and read the FAQ. You’ll see what I mean.

Cecil Adams is…Bigfoot.

that’s why all the photos of him are blurry & out-of-focus.