Religious question: What color is a banana?

The skin of an unripe banana is green or greenish yellow, black at the seams and ends.

The skin of a ripe banana is yellow, black at the seams & ends.

The skin of a rotten banana is mostly black.

The fleshy, edible part of a banana, when ripe, is off-white.

Before or after it’s eaten . . . and digested . . . etc.?

Eventually it’s brown. And smells like shit.

Eve was the first carpenter. She made Adam’s Banana Stand.

As I’ve long suspected, I’m full of the Devil because I like my bananas good and brown.

OMG, tdn, you’re right! I think I might believe in God now!

Why I even feel comfortable saying that people who believe in yellow are mentally ill and should be killed.

Praise Jebus! But I can’t take full credit for that. The true genius is Kirk Cameron.

Hey. Did that OP just come in here to garner sympathy for his banana and now he’s gone??

Yellow, because that’s the color they mostly are when they are ripened how I like them. Sure, they start out green, and acquire more and more brown when they become over-ripe. But the ones I eat are mostly yellow.

Also, “a banana”, to me, means the whole fruit, including its skin. Just the inside isn’t “a banana” to me.

Nope, still here. Just reveling in the replies. My banana doesn’t need your pity.

I was nervous. I had been practicing for months, but in the darkness of the vestibule, I suddenly felt like I had no idea what I was doing. On the other side of the curtain, my whole family was waiting for me. The whole town was waiting for me. I could hear my mother’s nasal laughter cut across the din.

“Yyy, yyy,” the word got stuck in my throat. I wasn’t ready for this. Practicing in front of my mirror was one thing, but here in the musty heat the weight of my decision, the expectations of hundreds, was too much to bear.

Becky Simmons was out there. I can do it for Becky. My stomach turned. Was it this hard for my older brother? He made the whole day sound fun. There was nothing fun about this. I pushed the curtain to one side and took one last look at the crowd from the shadows. My movement was not subtle enough; the professor saw me and beckoned me on to the stage.

The organ blasted out, chastising the crowd into silence. All eyes turned towards me as I shuffled in a daze towards the golden podium. I’d stood there before, but only with my little dog-eared handbook. Now the Great Book of Diction seemed to hover in the air on its spindly stalk, the pages worn over the decades by believers who’d come before me. My brother had used this book. My parents. This is the book that Uncle Simon had been staring at when he ran off the stage. Was it the pressure? The decision itself?

I’ve never met my Uncle, only heard the stories. They disowned him after that. My Aunt Marnie told me that he was living with a cult of Plaids off in the jungle somewhere. My brother said that he was just one town over, living with the Blues. That’s what I wanted to believe. It made sense to me; the Blues were nice people. Some say that we actually descended from the Blues, before the Great Book of Diction was even written. Maybe life as a Blue wouldn’t be so bad.

The organ stopped. The curved fruit hung next to me, creaking as it swung back and forth on its rope. I looked out at the crowd. Mom. Dad. Becky Simmons. I took a step forward and put my finger on the book, as I had been taught. “I affirm that this Banana,” I started. I still wasn’t sure, but the time for reflection was behind me. “Is Yellow.”

The word was barely out of my mouth when the organ belted out its first joyous notes. The crowd rose and began surging forward to congratulate me. As I shook hands and dodged kisses, I looked to the back of the hall. I’d never met him, but I’d seen him in pictures. My mom later denied it was possible, but I swear to this day that Uncle Simon was standing there. And if eyes didn’t deceive me, he blew me a kiss.

Am I the only one who remembers the confirmation ceremony where we all decided as adults what color a banana really was?

What color is a banana is a nonsense question. Which banana are you talking about?

This is like asking “what color is a house” or “what color is a cat”


Whatever you want it to be.

So how soon are we moving on to part 2 of this thread?

There is no banana.

I think the thread started off with number two.

Let’s stop this needling behavior right now. Vinyl Turnip, particularly, you know that we do not allow changing people’s quotes, even in the service of comedy and poking one another with sticks.

Please stick with whatever need the OP has to define banana color.

THIS colour, more or less.

FFFF00 in hexadecimal, 255/255/0 in RGB values.

11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000 00000001

That’s a little riper.

This post has been Bananaed by the Bananaist.