Sci-Fi Channel, what the Holy FRAK are you thinking?....

I miss the good old days when it was the Hitler channel :eek: !

CMC fnord!

Well, apparently ECW got pretty good ratings for a show on the Sci-Fi Channel, from what’s been reported. I’m not sure if that’s in spite of or because of how the show was run, but I wouldn’t expect it to go anywhere anytime soon.

I kinda like it. I can’t argue too much with the WCW stuff; they have been bringing in a lot of old WCW guys lately. Of course, Jarrett is part owner and has always been around, and Nash has been in and out of TNA as his health permits, but Steiner and Sting are recent additions. But they’ve also developed some good newer wrestlers. I like Samoa Joe, for instance; he’s pretty impressive.

Pretty much, all the SciFi Channels programming has been crap, so why not go all the way?

Hey, hey now, Discovery is just filling the void because there isn’t a “Guys Blowing Stuff Up” Channel.

I think there’s a core demographic out there for Boom! TV I’d watch it! How do we implode this building? What would happen if we shoved 10 sticks of dynamite and handed a gallon of nitro glycerine to Ted McGinley and pushed him out of a plane?

Fun stuff like that.

BTW Gals should be able to blow stuff up too.

Boom!TV ask your local cable affiliate about it.

About Wrestling on SciFi. That they can give us BSG and New Dr. Who, and turn around and do something bone headed like this and airing Passions is truly amazing. They are obviously toying with us – in every negative way you can imagine. It is like they have multiple personality issues in the programming department.

What is their bloody problem!?!

Professional wrestling is real – Politics is fake.

18 hours / day of airtime to fill?

And there are plenty of defunct shows loyal fans will watch over and over again that will fill time. I understand having to air stuff like Psychic-Bitch-of-the-Week, or real spookem stories or even, In search of Spock’s Underwear, but Rasslin’ and Passions (and probably L&O:SVU) are just pointless on a channel calling itself SciFi (though they should probably more accurately call them selves SciFan because of the amount of fantasy they do).

If they need to raise money for their other stuff, let them run infomercials or SciFan based home shopping programming from midnight to noon. There’s plenty of kitch out there and a screaming public that can’t have too many Darth Vader or Slave Girl Princess Leia PVC statues.

But they like pro wrestling. Even if they’re Brits that alone puts them 1/3 of the way toward earning their Redneck Card.

I know that I, personally, watched ECW’s debut while eating beef jerky I got at the local Piggly Wiggly and drinking warm coke out of my Dale Junior commerative glasses. It was a fine old time.