Since Daylight Savings Time sucks, why do we still have it?

Perhaps it’s a good thing the internet is anonymous. I’d hate to be witness to a fist fight over the definition of “sucks”.

“A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time. When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, The one I feed the most.” – George Bernard Shaw

Must be spring, Handy is bitching about DSL again. :wink:

“Mrs. Krabappel, are you trying to seduce me?”

D’oh! Or DST as the case may be, lol!

“Mrs. Krabappel, are you trying to seduce me?”

To Whom it may concern:

As enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1986, daylight saving time is the USA:

Begins at 2 A.M. on the first Sunday of April
Ends at 2 A.M. on the last Sunday of October

Daylight savings time is also called “Summer Time.” It is a method of advancing clocks in a global manner in order to artificially expand the daylight hours.

Although Day light saving time was mentioned by Benjamin Franklin in a humours essay in 1784, the real credit for it has to be given to a little-remembered London builder William Willett (1865-1915). As Willet was taking an early morning ride through Petts Wood near croydon, he was struck by the fact that the blinds of nearby houses were closed, even thought the sun was fully risen.

In his pamphlet, “The Waste of Daylight” he wrote:

  • "Everyone appreciates the long, light evenings. Everyone laments their shortage as autumn appproaches; and everyone has given utterance to regret that the clear, bright of an early morning during spring and summer months, is so seldom seen or used.*

His campaign led to the introduction of British Summer Time in an act of Parliamnet in 1916. Eventually it would be adopted by many other countries.

Daylight savings time for the US and its territories is not observed in Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the VIrgin Islands, the eastern time zone portion of the state Indiana and by most of Arizona ( with the exception of the Navajo Indian reservation in Arizona.

Yours truly,

Oh my someone actually used the search button. And just look at that from aha, one year to get an answer! :slight_smile:

Sorry Handy…local newspaper. :slight_smile:

Yours truly,

Um, Handy? How carefully did you search, anyway?

Plus, a VERY recent thread on this board:

“The dawn of a new era is felt and not measured.” Walter Lord

Beruang, I searched plenty. But you see, at the time of the search in 99, the search thing did not archive everything, but now it does, that is why you found it.

Of course it’s not an exclusively American device. In the UK it’s called British Summer Time, GMT +1 hour.

I didn’t even know he was running. What office?

Handy –

Ah, I see. The thread was brought back from the dead to eat the bandwidth of the living. My sincere apologies.

– Beruang

“The dawn of a new era is felt and not measured.” Walter Lord