Stick a fork in her: Clinton's done

Who said I wanted McCain?

What I said was that there might be a situation where “super delegates” will decide who is nominated as the presidential candidate by the DNC. I don’t know much at all about the process itself, but even I see T-r-o-u-b-l-e if something like that happens. And already I see the news media trying to explain what super delegates are all about. Coincidence? I think not…

Oh what the Hell…I predict that HRC will secure the nomination via superdelegates.

Call it a sixth sense.


Personally I think we need Bill to start yelling at people again. She’ll cry, he’ll yell, and Chelsea will just be really polite and agreeable. It’s like the Voltron of politics. Get those republican bad guys, Clintron!

While I’m thinking of it, does anyone remember that power play Hillary laid on Obama in the Nevada debate? Where she asked him to co-sponsor a bill with her or something? Did anything happen with that or was it just a taunt? (I know it was just a taunt but I needed to conclude that thought. That almost rhymed. Uhoh, I should sleep)

I’m not ready to do the happy dance yet, but it’s getting close. Hillary’s vital stats last night were 36-24-35, the percentages of the vote she earned in MD, DC, and VA respectively. You can’t take any heart in those numbers if you’re on Team Clinton. Obama is cutting into most every one of her demographic strongholds. She is now in the unenviable position of having to run against hope. I don’t see how she gets back on her feet now, I don’t see HA or WI going her way, and I’m starting to have grave doubts that she could win TX or OH, let alone run up the score. She’s starting to look like the Spelling Bee champion running for class president against Fonzie. Obama’s speeches are easy on the ears and inspirational, she sounds like putting glass down the garbage disposal and has you reaching for the mute button. I think March 5 is the day she packs it all in.

Every time I read that I keep thinking of the song “Brick House” for some reason.

Compare that to the version where the comments aren’t censored by the Clinton campaign. Link.

Well the test of whether or not she’s toast is if Edwards and even Richardson perhaps serve as butter by endorsing Obama in the next several days.

They would be nice endorsements, but they don’t mean nearly as much as they would have 10 days ago.

Oh they would mean virtually nothing as to influencing election outcome; they would be the sign that showed that election was unwinnable for HRC - these guys have made it clear that they do not want to run any risk of backing the “wrong” side.

From a psychological stand point, Hillary in the last few days has had that wide-eyed, holy shit I’m getting beaten look and tone about her. She snapped at Jake Tapper the other night in a news conference where he asked her. “…what do you tell supporters who see this as a dwindling campaign, one marked by so many consecutive losses in priamries, and in your own HQ?
She got wide-eyed and then as if to start to belch fire and brimstone said, “Oh I think quite the contrary, we are in a good position for tomorrows potomac primaries, and are looking ahead to TX and OH…” in a very straight, cackle-wicked-witch-of-the-west tone…

I’m excited to see Obama’s fundraising numbers coming up soon. I expect him to go full throttle until March 5th, to cinch anyone’s doubts.

According to that site, in 2004, Democrat=47%; Republican=41%. I’m trying to remember how the 2004 election turned out…

That part I’m basing on lasting demographic trends as analyzed by John Judis and Ruy Teixeira in their book The Emerging Democratic Majority,:

More interesting news. Edwards may endorse Clinton.

If it happens, this could be the spark that Hillary needs to jump start the campaign. I hope Edwards either chooses to stay out or endorses Obama, but he apparently is disillusioned with Obama and views Hillary as more mature. Should he endorse Hillary before Ohio, it could be critical. If he waits until March 5, it’s not going to matter at all.

I don’t buy this, that huge block of voters in the middle, will put Obama in office over McCain, but if HRC takes the nom by Super-delegates and re-seating Florida & Michigan, she will have a backlash that you are not taking into account. McCain can beat HRC. I don’t think he can beat Obama. HRC cannot afford to alienate any more voters. She is not well liked to begin with.


I am so getting a kick out of all the right-wingers here and elsewhere trying to revive the Clinton campaign.
They are (of course) doing this for two reasons:

  1. The last thing they need is an Obama juggernaut steamrolling their chances, and
  2. They’ve got all their literature, soundbites and “experts” lined up to destroy Hillary-if Obama wins, their campaign strategy collapses.

True. A lot of people won’t vote for HRC out of general dislike. I can’t say I’m one of them, but the thought of voting for her come the election makes my skin crawl.

Or he may endorse Obama, or he may not endorse anyone. I think they covered their options pretty thoroughly there. :wink:

That is not fair, a surprising number of right wingers here like Obama, go visit Scylla’s thread.

What I found interesting about that article was that every factual thing and interview in it made said that Edwards was deeply divided and undecided, and that nobody even suggested which way, if any, he might jump. Based on the content, the article could have equally easily been entitled “Edwards May Endorse Obama,” or much more descriptively, “Undecided Edwards Mulling Endorsement.”

The one pro-Clinton thing in it was the utter speculation that if Edwards endorsed her, it might help her flagging campaign. Equally easily, it could have said that an Edwards endorsement of Obama would be another nail in her coffin.

The critical thing is the way it was written comes from the strong slant that she is now the underdog, and needs surprise endorsements to revive her chances. Edwards endorsing the front-running Obama would be newsworthy but not that significant, but his picking the swooning Clinton would perhaps give her a big bounce (though if it happens, it might just be a dead cat bounce).

It was almost written as though the reporter (or more likely the editor who wrote the headline of the otherwise balanced story) wanted Edwards to endorse Clinton so there’d be something to write about, because otherwise Clinton would essentially be written off.

My guess is that there are not enough undecided Edwards voters left to give her a big bounce. In theory it could stem the erosion of working class voters and/or men to Obama, but I don’t think an endorsement from Edwards is going to outweigh what’s going on in the campaigns themselves.

I think news outlets are biased toward the opinions of their experts, and up until right now those experts believed Clinton was going to win this thing - so in my estimation, they tend to accept her version of events and interpret a small win for her as a bigger deal than a small win for him.

I truly believe an Edwards endorsement at this stage for either candidate wouldn’t really hold all that much weight. The Clinton’s right now are strategizing Texas and Ohio. They’ll be knocking on people’s doors, holding rally’s and sending their hawks after the superdelegates. But the simple fact is they are cripled, and are only firing on 3 cylinders. HRC does not want to admit defeat until the very last speck of blood has been leaked out of every last hole. She will drag this until Obama’s inevitablilty surpasses any hope of her getting the dem nod. And in my eyes that’s going to be on Mar. 5th.