Straight Males and Homosexual Experimentation

You are very brave for joining the SDMB and sharing your secret shame with everyone…

A friend of mine used to go crazy for cross-dressers. He was pretty straight, but also subscribed to the theory that if it looks like a woman, then it’s fuckable. He even dragged me to the Hippo (popular gay club in Baltimore) to check out the, ahem, “ladies” so I could see what I was missing.

There’s a common perception among men that you can be straight as long as you’re “pitching” and not “catching.” The Mad Man, by Samuel Delany, a very interesting look at sexual activity among the homeless men in New York, proves that most of them identify as straight and would rather be with a woman, but if a “cocksucker” comes along who’s willing to tolerate their filthy condition and the fact that they’re homeless, they’ll welcome the sexual attention from him enthusiastically. None of these guys would have otherwise been with a man, but in the situation they’re in, they’ll take anything they can get.

Straight male. I have never had any interest in experimenting with men, and have never had any sexual contact with a man whatsoever. I have no problem with gay men, or straight men who experiment. It’s just not for me. Zero interest.

And I am another data point against the 6-beer rule. I have had six beers (and more) with gay friends, and have been hit on under those circumstances on more than one occasion, but still had zero interest. I politely and drunkenly declined.

This is about the fourth zombie thread I have seen in the past two days…what the hell is going on here?
Is there some weird search engine somewhere pulling up threads from the past?

Like Spoke, I’m straight and have never felt any desire to experiment, not even when drunk.

I’m rather indifferent even to my own body. If I had been born a woman, I’d be a lesbian.

If you’ll notice, there’s a strong correlation between posts with a title added and thread necromancy. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

Another data point against the 6-beer rule.

The closest I ever came was many years ago when I was propositioned by a guy in a bar after I’d had too much to drink. He said I didn’t have to do anything, he just wanted to suck me off and I could leave. There’s hardly anything I like more than a good BJ, so, I said OK.

Got to his place and when it was time to put up… I just couldn’t take my pants off. Part of me was even horny at the thought of getting a BJ, but the greater part of me was repulsed by the very thought of a guy’s mouth on my guy.

I felt bad for wasting the guy’s time, but…at the time I didn’t really know what I was and was not capable of. I know better now. The fact is, if my life depended on it, I could suck another guy off, but (even if my life depended on it), I don’t think I could get hard by being sucked off by another guy. Which is a shame because I love BJ’s (did I mention that?) and I’m sure I’d get a lot more were I gay.

Well, if I turned gay, it would because of continuous lack of success with women.

…But even then, it isn’t a given I would score. My standards would be at least of the level of Edward Norton and Brad Pitt. No bear nor twink, uurgh.

Yes. Now that the board is searchable via Google, non-registered people can find threads on the SDMB, register and post regardless of the thread’s date. Note that our resurrectionist has a join date of December, 2010.

So…has anyone’s answers changed?
The most I’ve experimented with homosexuality was watching my gay friend’s tiny dog in front of his BMW while he ran into a store when I was out visiting in San Francisco.

Prior to that, it was accidently stumbling across the NYC Gay Pride parade while trying to return a stretchy shirt to the Banana Republic on Five Avenue.
But basically I just don’t find dudes sexually attractive and no amount of beer or lack of available vagina would change that.

I also learned I don’t appear on gaydar.

Same goes for me. The answer to all “have you ever?” or “would you ever?” or “but what if…?” is No.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: I did two years of Americorps, and after that there’s no way you can convince me most people aren’t bisexual. Take a large group of horny young adults away from their friends and family back home, stick them together, and you’ll see all kinds of hijinx. There was plenty of rocking and rolling going on, and that included homoeroticism and experimentation.

I was drunkenly seduced by a guy once that led to some experimentation, and after retrospect I can say that on some levels I’d be up for it again, it’s not really my main thing.

Mississippienne: Replace Americorps with a British public school and you get the same phenomenon. Christopher Hitchensexperimented, for example (vaguely NSFW pic)

This. Honestly, I’m too much of a wimp–and too old–to start now even if I were interested. That, and I looooove everything about physical contact with women (except for the whole risk of pregnancy thing) so I’m not missing anything.

Funny thing is, people who don’t know many gays often ask if I’m homosexual, probably because I’ve been involved in several rights movements and do know a bit about queer culture. This never happens with gay people or people who spend time around gay people. Gaydar is real, folks.

Logically speaking, how is this preferrable to masturbation? I’m just not seeing it.

Guess I really AM straight.

Well, most men would prefer a blowjob to a handjob. With a powerful enough imagination, I guess you can block out the fact that it’s a guy, and close your eyes and think of a woman.

As a woman with a pretty long list of sexual partners, and one who is extremely open-minded, making it safe for men to tell the truth: I’d say a much, much higher percentage of men have tried it than you would think, and even more have thought about it very seriously.

Kinsey had it right.

Weren’t Kinsey’s statistics skewed because of the groups of men he interviewed? I read that many of the men he drew his stats from were convicts or people generally from the lower rungs of society, who were more likely to experience ‘situational’ homosexuality out of necessity than most men.

I suppose if said guy was made up and dressed like a woman, it would go that much farther in supporting the illusion…hence my friend’s manic pursuit of crossdressers…