The 100 Most Influential People - Try the Third

Well, Tom, without Lavoisier’s work (done by him or someone else), there would be no chemistry, and without Harvey’s work (again,done by him or someone else) there would be no medicine in any meaningful sense.

I’m standing on my decision.

Yeah, dashes (-) are more common, but some of the names have dashes in them, meaning their entries won’t parse correctly. However, I was cunning enough to remove the periods from the Saint’s names so period it is.

Inventors. Vasco De Gama
Leaders. John F Kennedy
Philosophy. Mencius
Religion. Zoraster
Science. Sigmund Freud

Inventor. Vasco de Gama
Leader. Menes
Philosophy. Mencius
Religion. Mani
Science. Sigmund Freud

Inventor: Vasco de Gama
Leader: John F. Kennedy
Philosophy and Arts: Johann Sebastian Bach
Religion: Moses
Science: Roentgen
I voted for Moses because Moses is probably a fictional character. It’s sort of hard for a person who didn’t exist to have any influence.

Inventors. Gregory Pincus
Leaders. John F Kennedy
Philosophy. Mencius
Religion. Mahavira
Science. James Clerk Maxwell

Inventor. Francisco Pizarro
Leader. John F Kennedy
Philosophy. Johann Sebastian Bach
Religion. Oliver Cromwell
Science. John Dalton

Invention and Exploration. Gregory Pincus
Leader. Queen Isabella I
Philosophy and Arts. Johann Sebastian Bach
Religion. St Augustine
Science. Leonhard Euler
Just to let you know, I think it’s Zoroaster, not Zoraster.

Christopher Columbus - Explorer, Discoverer of America
Alexander the Great - Macedonian Ruler, Formed Macedonian Empire
Johann Sebastian Bach – Composer
Justinian I - Byzantine Emperor, Recovered Much of Roman Empire
John Dalton - Scientist, Atomic Theory

Impressive setup, JohnT! Thanks for doing this! OK, my votes:

Invention. Hernando Cortes
Leader. John F. Kennedy
Philosophy. Voltaire
Religion. Zoraster
Science. Sigmund Freud

6, Francisco Pizarro - Spanish Adventurer, Conquered Inca Empire
20, Simon Bolivar - Latin American General and Statesman, Waged Wars of Independence
Philosophy and Arts
18, Thomas Malthus - Economist, Developed Malthusian Theory
9, Mani - Founder of Manichaeism
8, Gregor Mendel - Priest and Scientist, Advanced Genetics

Toejam, please read and follow the formatting instructions as outlined in the OP.

Inventors. Francisco Pizarro
Leaders. Simon Bolivar
Philosophy. Johann Sebastian Bach
Religion. Zoraster
Science. Sigmund Freud

Invention. Francisco Pizarro
Leader. Simon Bolivar
Philosophy. Thomas Malthus
Religion. Mani
Science. Gregor Mendel

Inventors. Gregory Pincus
Leaders. Queen Elizabeth I
Philosophy. Francis Bacon
Religion. Mahavira
Science. William Conrad Roentgen

I’ve nothing in particular against Elizabeth; just trying to deflect (sexist?) attention from Isabella, who was very influential.
I must say that Hart’s list is much better reasoned than many seem to be giving him credit for. And some of the captions (inherited from an earlier thread?) are very misleading.

For example, Queen Isabella of Spain who “Sponsored Columbus’ Expedition” seems headed for an early exit. Those voting against her might want to review her bio. By the way, Hart’s analysis of her barely mentions Columbus!

Isabella, the First Monarch of a united Spain,
[ul][li] Married Ferdinand of Aragon (which led directly to the unification of Spain) against her parents’ wishes:[/li][li] Was not the recognized heir of Castile, but seized the throne in War, exploiting her charisma and political skills;[/li][li] Conquered Granada;[/li][li] Instituted the Inquisition;[/li][li] Outlawed the Jewish and Muslim religions in Spain;[/li][li] Through political skill, increased the power of the Cities and Monarch at the expense of nobles and the Pope;[/li][li] Advanced Spain’s economy and society;[/li][li] Took actions leading to a huge empire in the New World;[/li][li] By arranging the marriage of her daughter Juana to Philip Hapsburg the Handsome, helped establish the famous Hapsburg Empire;[/li][/ul]
(Her husband, the King of Aragon, also played a role, but Isabella “wore the pants” in the family and, anyway, Hart treats Isabella and Ferdinand as a duet, much like Wilbur and Orville Wright.)
There are several on the List whose lack of personal accomplishments or historical importance may mean they don’t really belong.

Isabella isn’t one of them.

I didn’t vote for Isabella because she’s a woman. I voted for her because, given my non-scholarly lack of knowledge concerning historical figures, I found myself comparing descriptors. “Uniting China,” etc, doesn’t really compare to “Financed Columbus,” imo.

Inventions. Hernando Cortes
Leader. Charlemagne
Philosophy. Lao Tzu
Religion. Oliver Cromwell
Science. William Harvey

It’s a tricky line though. The Story of Moses, exodus etc, certainly has major influence. The Ten Commandments are still being talked about, no matter the source. As with Homer, the fact he may have been several men doesn’t mean that works of Homer should be dismissed out of hand.

William TG Morton - Scientist, Invented Anaesthesia

Sui Wen Ti - Chinese Emperor, Reunited China

Philosophy and Arts
Johann Sebastian Bach – Composer

Mani - Founder of Manichaeism

Sigmund Freud - Psychologist, Developed Freudian Psychology

Oh hell. All the more reason to dump him.