We just took her to the vet. She’s definitely a she, she’s negative for FIDS and leukemia. We got her a round of shots and a dose of dewormer. That promises to be an unpleasant poop, cause she has a belly full of the filthy things. We also got her a round of flea stuff. Tomorrow, we’ll give her a bath, and try to begin socializing her with our other two kitties (Aber (Welsh for ‘mouth’) and Porkchop.)

Lord help us. We have another cat. I didn’t really want one, but whatcha gonna do? She virtually ran into my arms begging to be rescued.

From three Goth transvestites. One of whom had a moustache. And a black skirt.

Surreal experience. Very surreal.

Anyway, yes. We shall keep her, and her name shall be EURONYMOUS. All caps for effect. Or maybe EURONYMOUS THE BLACK METAL DEVIL DOOM KITTY (EtBMDDK for short.)

Now that’s a first. A Fish chasing a kitty.

Oh, and Jeff? Did you ever find out about the kitten? Did it end up in a good home?

In that case EURONYMOUS THE BLACK METAL DEVIL DOOM KITTY will be tattooed upon spaying! Then all you need is to get her something pierced.
Oh! And style her a mohawk after you wash her and take a picture (if you survive)! :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait just a minute. If a kitten masturbates, what the hell does God kill? :confused:

A Domo-kun.

No idea. We dropped the kitten off at the rest area and the teenaged girl who had been holding it was seated at a picnic table with her family. They may have playing with the kitten on the table but I didn’t get a good look. Looked like they could provide a good home if they decided to take it along. If only we had found it on the way back instead…

Ogre, I am very very surprised the vet treated a kitten that young for fleas. I didn’t think any of the vet treatments (Advantage, Revolution, Frontline) were to be used on kittens younger than 8 weeks or so (maybe longer; don’t take my word for it).

If you bought something at the pet store, DO NOT USE IT. They are dangerous to grown cats; it could well kill a kitten that age. It probably states not to use on kittens on the bottle. And do not use any type of flea soap unless it specifically states it can be used on kittens. I am not aware of any flea baths that can be used on kittens so check. You can make her very sick by using flea products if she’s too young for them.

Cool yer jets. He told us that she was probably at least 8 weeks old, and that she was just malnourished. This guy came to us very highly recommended, and from the way he treated her, I think she’ll be fine.

Once she passes the worms, that is. Bleargh.


A warm welcome to EURONYMOUS from our very own Habicat. He was a scrawny little stray too and he’s doing great now. Exept for his bizarre obsesion with bottlecaps.

I got my second cat when it was seven or eight weeks old, just old enough to leave it’s mother I guess. A co-worker, who lived in the country, drove to work one morning during a big storm, and when she got out of the car heard a “Mew?” from underneath the car. The little thing had apparently been hiding there for shelter, and hung on during the drive into town. I fell in love and asked to keep it. I couldn’t name it “Lucky” as my middle sister already had a cat with that name. Wild vehicle rides made me think of “Max” as in Mad Max, but the same sister also has a cat named Max. So I decided to name it The Road Warrior if it was a boy(hey, it was young, I couldn’t tell), or Tina(for Turner) if it was a girl.
Turns out it was male, so The Road Warrior it is. It was never afraid, but it did like to hide under the tub(I have a clawfoot)

So are you gonna get a dog and name it Varg?

Found the kitty.
Kitty looks warm. :smiley:

Does anyone know how to say this in Latin? My husband and I wish to adopt it as our family motto.

A warm welcome from her DoperCat Big Sister, Ember. Em’s just sneaking up on her four month birthday.

Good on you for taking her in! We had a very similar story in the local paper this week. One of the local junk pickup companies got a call to get an old fridge. The fridge meowed. Turns out, there was a very little kitten snuggled up by the motor. The driver got the cat out of the fridge and put it in the cab of the truck, where it promptly zipped up the gas pedal and hid under the dash. Took 'em three hours to get it out! It now lives at the office, where it will probably be spoiled rotten. They named him “Freon”.

Subveni, Dominum! Habemus alia felis!

Dammit, I was sure I looked there! :slight_smile:

Cats are such good hiders! When I need to do a cat count, I just go to the kitchen, handle their current food container and call out in a loud voice, “SUPPERTIME!” I purposely say that word everytime I feed them just for this reason.

If the house is on fire or I’m late for a Vet appointment I can round up the elusive buggers in record time.

I once had a cat escape from a ground floor apartment. I put up posters in the neighborhood describing him and saying " His name is Buster but he answers to “SUPPERTIME.” Got him back in no time flat.

Oh yeah- sounds like you are a bit flexible with the truth there- you softie!


Pardon me if I sound a bit confrontational and no offense was intended, but what do you mean by “flexible with the truth?”