Think of a famous person. Right now, go!

Tomoko Kawase, who happens to be my favourite singer.

I notice, we’ve got exactly one repeat, which is actually more than I expected.

Bill Clinton, for no reason I can name.

William Shatner, which disappoints me. It’s because I got an email this morning saying he’ll be appearing in concert in March or so.

Madonna…my guess is because I was a teenager at the height of her fame it left some sort of impression (as John Lennon or Paul McCartney might come to mind for someone 20 years older than me)

Bacon is the best answer to everything.

For some weird reason, I got Ronald Reagan.

Really, this question is not a good a good index of famousness, though. The answer is going to depend mainly on what famous people one happens to have been hearing or thinking about recently.

Frank Zappa

John Kenneth Galbraith


John Wayne. I have no idea why he was the first I thought of

I can’t even tell you the last time I thought about William Tell, though!

Pete what’s his name that played Mr. Kobayashi in The Usual Suspects. Only because of your user name.

“You know, that really famous guy…Whatzisname!

Were you eating breakfast at the time?

Mine was John Noble.

The late Pete Postlethwaite.

Barack Obama.

Barack Obama

Wow, simulpost!

Mr. Miyagi, or Pat Morita, cause of the OP’s name

Vincent Van Gogh

Actually this picture popped into my head and I had to process it for a few seconds to add in the name.

I have no idea why. I have no logical reason to think of him. This whole exercise has me puzzled as to -

  • why I visualized first
  • why I picked Van Gogh
  • why I picked him without recognizing who he was

I wasn’t going to post in this thread, but every time I scrolled past it Captain Kangaroo popped into my head. So for the sake of adding an anomaly, there ya go.