Think of a famous person. Right now, go!

Mark Twain.

No idea why

Hugh Dillon… but an episode of Flashpoint just came on TV.

Angelina Jolie. Because when I think famous, I think tabloid obsession.

Madonna–just last night my kid asked who Madonna is, so I was explaining.

Wil Wheaton - I just sent a link to one of his books to a friend a couple hours ago.

Adolph Hitler. Because I was just looking at the “what’s the first thing you think of when you think of Germany thread.” And ironically, when I read that thread the first thing I thought of was Germany’s borders, not Hitler.

Gregory Peck … I guess because he’s probably my namesake, but actually I was sort of surprised he was the first person to pop into my head.

My mom always denies that she was thinking of Gregory Peck when picking a name for me. However, that didn’t stop her, when meeting Mr. Peck in person some years ago, from telling him that she thought her son might be named after him. He replied, yes, he hears that a lot. You have to admire the simple accuracy yet arrogant smugness of that.

David Niven


Neil Armstrong. Occurred to me while I was still in the process of reading the OP.

Barack Obama. Lots of talk of the SOTU tonight on my twitter feed.

Ok got one. Now what?

Johnny Depp.

Abe Lincoln

I was going to say I don’t know why I thought of Abe but then I remember watching a doc on one of the history channels about Abe’s last day. Musta stuck in my mind.
Ah wait. . .wait. . … A little research tells me it was probably The Final Days of John Wilkes Booth.

I thought of Jim Henson. Probably because my mp3 player is currently playing Muppets music.

Dorothy Parker.


Tom Waits.

Does Batman count as a famous person? Because I thought of Batman. Which, I guess, makes him my answer whether he counts or not…

Muhammad Ali

It came into my head that I heard he is the most famous celebrity worldwide. I don’t even know if thats true or not.

