Tickets for parking the wrong way on a street.

Here in VT, too.

I was wondering about this ‘facing the wrong way’ thing this morning, actually. Walking down my street to work, I noticed that two cars were facing the wrong direction. They both had been ticketed.

I live in a small quiet neighborhood circle. You don’t get tickets for parking the “wrong way”, but you are considered at fault if someone hits your car.

On 2 different occasions my across-the-street neighbors (2 different families) have had their parked cars hit. Both cars were hit head on by drivers who didn’t notice the car sitting there. (One dad hit his son’s car which had been parked the wrong way.) According to the police, the front of the car is not designed to be as reflective as the back, so it’s very hard to see some cars if they are facing toward oncoming traffic. This is especially true of cars that have the fold-down headlamps. The officer said that it is state law to not park against traffic because of this.

One-way roads are excepted.

In North Carolina, it is illegal to park on the “wrong side of the road” if you cross a solid center line to do it. In Virginia, it is always illegal.

> and since it’s only $10, I’m just going to pay it, I mean, why fight $10?

I think it’s called standing up for your principles.

As barbitu8 quotes for SC law, it’s ok to do on a one-way. Of course, it probably depends on the state, as well as if the road is 3+ car widths wide or not. I’d wager that if the road’s not wide enough, you’ll get a ticket.

So what? It’s not automaticaly illegal to drive on the wrong side. Unless there is a double solid yellow line down the middle of the street, you may drive on the wrong side to pass a slower car. So why would it be illegal to do so to park on the wrong side? In both cases, the driver is under the onus of doing it SAFELY. The knee-jerk, “it’s illegal to drive on the wrong side” argument doesn’t hold water, IMO.

Of course YMMV as laws vary from state to state, city to city, blah blah.

Were you fined for being more than 30 inches from the curb? :slight_smile:

What principles – he was wrong. The people of his state have decided that parking like that is dangerous, and made it against the law. He violated that law, and should pay the (minor) penalty.

If he believes as a matter of principle that the law is wrong, he should try to persuade the legislature to change the law.

I thought this was a basic driver-ed thing.

In PA, §3354 states you must park on the right side of two-way highways not more than 12 inches from curb or roadway edge, or on either side of a one-way highway, still observing the 12 inch rule.

To be more precise, a ticket or arrest may be proper. However, I would think that without a witness, the prosecution would not be able to maintain a case beyond a resasonable doubt.

Depending on where the car was parked, the drunk guy in the parked car might have driven to that spot while sober, walked into a bar, had some drinks, then got back into the car, and fell asleep. There circumstantial evidence that he may have driven drunk, but without more, I don’t think the burden of proof has been met. If the car was parked half way up a tree, you might have a better case.

idiots, stupid legal system.

while even getting behind the wheel after drinking is dumb, essentialy what this means is should some drunk momentarily wise up and have second thoughts about their ability to drive and consider pulling over to sleep it off. they now have been given major reason to keep going and continue to endanger yours and my safety.

great job guys!! keep up the good work:rolleyes:

I strongly disagree on this one.

Let’s say I drive my car legally, and park it legally. Then 3 of my prankster friends and myself get at all 4 corners of my car with some hydraulic jacks and swivel the car around. I didnt drive ilegally there.

While my example is a FAR STRETCH, and indicative of someone with too much time on their hands, it isnt far from being feasible.

In these cases, I would accept a ticket for parking illegally.

I would most definitely fight a moving violation, especially in California that requires the “in presence officer” rule. Unless you had a witness willing to sign a citizen’s arrest.

if he believes the law is wrong, or atleast stupid he should fight it, in every reasonable way.

i had a similer experaince.

a couple of years ago i had car body i was saving up to get a new engine put in. it was not a junker the body was in great condition, no rust, and the best part, it was a cadilac. anyway i ended up having to have it towed or pay weekly fines that were higher than my salary at the time. now i wish i had fought it. anyway the caddy looked alot better than alot of the cars in the area.

it was not an eye sore. so what good did enforcing the law do in that case? none thats what.

why should the law be enforced in that case?

lets look at some dumb laws.

do you believe anyone who plays dominoes or solitare in alabama on sunday is in the wrong?
do also believe wearing fake mustaches to cause laughter in church is wrong in alabama?

maybe having an ice cream cone in back is wrong if your there too.

if your in anniston wearing blue jeans and walking down noble street does that make you wrong?

maybe if your in lee county selling peanuts after sun down you brought shame to your family?

if you live in hawaii, don’t own a boat, but did put coins in your ears, your a criminal?

any member of the british parliment entering the house of commons in full armour is a dasterdly fiend?

any englishman who puts a stamp with the queen on it upside down is a traitorous bastard?

in michigan if a wife cuts her hair without her husbands permmision has commeted a crime against humanity and should be prosicuted to the full extant of the law?

anyone in detriot who destroyes his radio makes you sick?
if a man scowles at his on in sunday in detriot the courts should show no mercey?

in rochester if you don’t have your bathing suit inspected by the cheif of police you would have to be inhuman to be able to sleep at night?

at first i was a little mad as this brought memories of my caddy. however the laughter over these laws has more than made up for it.