To Kill a Mockingbird

From the IMDB bio:

tremendous sniff…

Loved that movie too.
When he got out second dog, I wanted to name her Atticus, but that was veto’d by the powers that be (wife and mother in law). My second vote was Scout and that stuck.

Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech!!! Blasphemer!!!

And that’s still! He’s even more stunning in motion. This one’s a personal favorite.

What a great movie. I want to give a shout out for the wonderful score.

If I had a daughter she would have to go out on halloween as a Ham one year.
For me, one of the most powerful moments of the film is when the drunk shows up at Brock Peters house when Atticus and the kids are there asleep in the car. He was so menacing and then when he screams out “NIGGER LOVER!” it is such a shock and it is so much raw hatred in his voice that it is really stunning. You know he is thinking that but to hear it said.

Tom Hanks is a great guy. He was great in Big. He was great in Forrest Gump. But Tom is NO Atticus Finch.

(No Robert Langdon either, but that’s another thread…)

I don’t think there’s any actor out there who could improve on - or even equal - Peck’s performance in the film.
I hope to Og they don’t remake this film. It doesn’t need to be remade. It certainly doesn’t need to be remade with Tom Hanks, Dakota Fanning, or any other bland actor or actress who manages to end up in every remake ever.

I had never even heard of Gregory Peck when I read the book at age thirteen. But when I saw the movie, he was EXACTLY how I pictured Atticus Finch.

I still miss Mr. Peck. He was everything-devastatingly handsome, humble, a good humanitarian, one hell of an actor and just an all around wonderful human being.

When I get my mini-schnauzer I am naming him Atticus. I think it’s a very wise looking dog, perfect for Atticus

I have bad news for ya’ll.

That must have been a baaaaaad movie. Nobody seems to have seen it, there’s no plot summary, nothing. Not even a full cast listing.

As others have said, there’s some movies that just shouldn’t be remade.

If no one has seen it and there is no info on it, it doesn’t really count. :wink:

That “remake” has all the marks of a non-exsitant, amateur, or non-released movie. There is no such movie registered with the U.S. Copyright Office.

One of the pitfalls of a user-submitted database like IMDb — bogus credits.

My favorite character from the book was Dolphus Raymond. He didn’t want to take any shit for his unusual lifestyle, so he invented a way to fool people into more or less excusing it.

It’s her perfect response that gets me. “Hey, Boo.” :slight_smile:

Yeah, it does look goofy.

“If a movie falls in the box office, and nobody watches it, does it really make a sound?” :dubious:

Yes or maybe no? :eek:


There was a comedian who had, as part of his routine, Gregory Peck doing a scene from <i>Taxi Driver</i>.

“Excuse me. Are you speaking to me?”

Well, it’s funny if you hear it with Gregory Peck’s voice…

John Lithgow as Atticus, Delta Burke as his sister (omitted from the movie), unknowns as Scout and Boo. (Billy Bob Thornton might be interesting as Atticus as well.)

Of course the TV show I’ll Fly Away with Sam Waterston and Regina Taylor was essentially “To Kill a Mockingbird: the series”. Never found an audience which is too bad, because it was a top quality show.