To the obese woman whose cell phone rang at the tomb of the unknown soldier

I hate cell phones. Unless you are personally waiting for a heart transplant, turn your godforesaken phone OFF when you’re in public.

If it’s true, as the OP states, that she let it ring for one full cycle before she even reached to turn it off, then it doesn’t seem that she thought there was much urgency to the mission. We judge ourselves by our intentions; we judge others by their actions.

Have you listened to the ringtone? I highly recommend that everyone do so before replying. You have to understand that this is not the standard “bleedeedeedeedeedeedeep” or even the Imperial March or the latest from Beyonce. This is a prolonged jab in the ear.

People with loud obnoxious ringtones blasting at full volume in public are demonstrating that they don’t give a damn about the people around them. This also goes for people carrying on two-way/walkie-talkie conversations in quiet areas (like the hospital I work at). Or any situation where ultra-loud or inappropriate cellphone conversations are being conducted in libraries, restaurants etc.

It’s a form of antisocial behavior. There are probably one or more categories in the DSM-IV to incorporate these personalities.

Oh, relax a bit. The only thing remotely offensive about that phrase is the vestigial racial reference, and it’s not a slight against the person it’s used against – it’s a leftover from a time when it seemed natural to think that whites had more opportunity for class advance. Me, I prefer “trailer trash.”

And yes, some people are classless, tasteless trash. Turn on Maury or Jerry Springer. Yes, most of us are above that stratum of humanity, and there’s no point in denying it or feeling guilty about it. Anybody born into that stratum of society generally has the opportunity to elevate themselves above it.

Yes, it’s classist. Sure, when I was in my twenties I would be horrified at the suggestion. And it’s god’s own truth.

Ain’t no such animal. Karma is another word for “wishful thinking.”

Heh… you’re just priceless. Don’t ever change.

Yamaha Ringtones

I download a couple of these, only to discover that, even with the ring volume on full blast, these ringtones are almost too quiet to be heard if your phone is in your pocket. Guaranteed not to offend anyone.

Congratulations on the OP, by the way… you managed to bring out the fat apologists, the gender crusaders, the outraged caucasians, and the “always assume a medical condition!” bad-behavior-justifiers, all in one deft stroke. My hat is off.

Or an inability to detect vibrations.

I don’t what y’all say. . .no way a skinny person forgets to turn their phone off in a similar situation.

and a cell phone debate. If only he could have put in something about leaving her cat outside. . .

No thanks. The term is offensive and racist. It would be absolutely forbidden to refer to any other ethnic, racial, cultural, etc. group in such a fashion. Black trash? Jew trash? Asian trash? Try those around here and see how far you get.

Apologists like you are why the term has any hold at all. Not a slight against the person it is used against? Are you fucking kidding me? Who is it a slight against? The guy standing next to him?

“Nigger” is just a leftover corruption of the Spanish word for “black.” Try flying that one.

Any term that denigrates a person based on his membership in an ethnic group is offensive. Until “white” means “not white” and “trash” means “treasure,” the term “white trash” is offensive. The fact that you may not be offended by it has fuck all to do with it.

That’s funny, I thought the OP hit the trifecta right in the thread title: obesity, cellphones, and disrespect for the military.

I think this is a funny thing to get upset about. I’m white, and if I want to use the term “white trash” I don’t think it makes me racist against myself. The term is simply not as offensive to me as real racial slurs. Obviously you disagree.

I’m not saying I use the term out loud, but I will admit that it crosses my mind when I see that stereotype re-inacted time and again in my hometown. Would the politically correct term be “culturally challenged?” lol.

Ok, but was she driving an SUV?

I agree with Contrapuntal. If someone posted the same exact story and replaced white trash with black piece of shit or trash many, many people would be in here crying about why he had to mention race it all.

After running some background checks, aided by the scanners in the cemetary that read the vitals off of her implanted microchip, I found that the fat, trashy bitch with questionable ringtone taste had also parked in a handicap space, declawed her cats, smoked near someone, distributes Chick tracts, believes the American Civil War was fought over state’s rights, yields to pedestrians in crosswalks, likes Top 40 radio, called someone an oriental, tips improper amounts depending on mood, shops at Walmart, owns a gun, thinks LOST has jumped the shark, voted straight ticket for some political party thingy, and had the gall to ask for a refund on the remainder of her Reader’s Digest subscription.

More info can be still be found, I’ve simply lost my will to live.

I’ll be consistent here. If this descriptor applies to you (and you self identify as such), I think it’s fine for you to use it. If it doesn’t, it certain reeks of classism (not so sure about the race part, because I believe “trailer trash” connotes the exact same epithet.

It’s certainly classist and offensive.

Now, that ringtone is worthy of an ass kicking on its own merit. The OP didn’t need to mention the perp’s race, size, or location, I’m behind smashing the phone based on the ringtone itself.

But, but, BUT! What if she was next on the list for a. . . I mean what if her kids were. . . no, I got nothin’. I can’t be an anything apologist :frowning: .
When I climbed up the stairs from the subway and walked into Arlington, I shut off my fucking phone. When I went and bought tickets for the little tour, I made sure my fucking phone was off- I even checked with my friend to make sure hers was. By the time we got to the Tomb of the Unknown and the ceremony was about to begin, I again checked to make sure my goddamned fucking phone was off. If I remember correctly, the Tomb of the Unknown wasn’t the first stop on the tour, it was a good 20 minutes into it, after the Kennedy memorials.

They also remind you on the tram about 50 times to TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE. When you get to the TotUS, they AGAIN tell you to turn off your phones for the changing of the guard/whatever other ceremony is going to take place. And, if I recall, there are friggin SIGNS in the trolly/tram.

This woman is an idiot, I’m sorry. She didn’t prove she’s forgetful, she proved that she either a: has some sense of entitlement (OMG! WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO TURN OFF MY PHONE?!) or b: is complete and utter idiot who didn’t understand where she was visiting, the gravity of the things around her, and also doesn’t understand where the off button on her phone is.

Yeah, my vote is for one of the two above.

And for what it’s worth, as a white fat ass from Bakersfield (I think that squarely puts me at least next to the white trash category), I’m not offended by the OP. I’m more offended by idiots who can’t follow basic instructions at a place where respect is more than warranted.

…after its circumcision…

If not, there’s always this story which appears to almost have it all… a) an SUV, b) plowing into a crowd, c) of schoolkids, d) elderly driver (well, 70 at least), e) last name “Yan” suggests driver is Asian, f) driver claims “brakes failed,” g) no skid marks indicating brakes were applied…

No word yet whether a cell phone (or free-roaming housecat) was involved in the accident. I bet some of the kids could’ve jumped out of the way faster if they weren’t so fat, though.