"Tweaker" behavior without meth use?

The medical term is a “functional addict.” You’re right–casual use and addiction are not compatible.

Absolutely correct, which is why I am asking the internets. None of my mollyfrocking beeswax except that I do hand her my credit card a few times a month.

People who are crystal meth abuse mostly feel agitated and alive, but not coordinate.

The mildest side effects include paranoia, irritability and anxiety. When meth abuse is more severe, it can make the addicted individual violent due to extreme paranoia, suffer from permanent psychosis or be at risk of heart failures or strokes.

Even the smallest doses of meth can lead to addiction and serious dependency, which is why crystal meth abuse should never be taken lightly.

“Droll”? I suppose even the most trenchant witticisms do get old half-way through a full-time shift, just as you get bored in traffic school even if it’s one of the ones that have comedians for teachers.