Weight Loss Support Thread [edited title]

I’ve been feeling pretty sick lately and I took a week off the gym. I didn’t think I could do anything at the gym this week (I took last week off) but every day I get my gear on and go. But I don’t do anything but walk. Yesterday I ended up walking for an hour which is twice as long as I go on the elliptical.

Maybe you need to just get in the habit of getting dressed and going, and just do something as simple as walking. Perhaps being there and seeing everyone else will motivate you to do more. Sometimes classes or swimming or weight routines are too daunting and you need to just be there first.

Yes, but I’m only seeing her every six weeks, so I don’t really have daily accountability in that way. Once I can afford it, I am probably going to see her more often.

OMG, we won the startup accelerator! I am moving to New York!

Congratulations! Now are you motivated to exercise? :wink:

Ha! Yes, because I know they are going to splash pictures of the selected teams all over the site in four weeks time. My interview was published in Forbes Entrepreneur :slight_smile: (no pic, thankfully)

Lost another kg this week, taking me past my 10% mark! :smiley:

Have also rediscovered a lovely A-line demin skirt in my wardrobe that now fits perfectly. Wore it all day yesterday despite the weather being a bit chilly!

I’ve been going to WW since early October. My progress is very slow, only 6 lbs lost so far. But I lost 10 on my own before joining WW so I’m still feeling pretty good about things.

My goal for this week is to earn some exercise points every single day this week. Something, even if it’s just something small.

I really want to get back into weight lifting but I’m just so lazy. I have the weights, I know what to do, I have the time and then I don’t do it.

So this week I’m going to push myself to do it. Even if it kills me.

Congrats! Are you chucking out things that are too big for you too now? Isn’t it a good feeling? :slight_smile:

I’ve lost 3lbs since I last posted, but since I’d see-sawed back up a bit, that’s only 4lbs in total since January. Still, slow & steady wins the race 'n all that, and that means I’ve just got 24lbs to go till I can treat myself to a shiny new corset as a reward!

A corsette? I think my grandmother had one made of whale bones or something.

Do they still exist?

Oh yes - they’re very big on the goth/steampunk scene!

Also handy as an instant weight loss technique - I went out partying in my wedding dress in January, and there’s no way I’d have even got it over my waist if it hadn’t been for my trusty old corset.

I planned to toss most of my diet out the window for my vacation in February and hoped that the additional walking I was doing would make up for the occasional (Hey, daily is an occasion) shave ice. When I got home I discovered I’d gained 5lbs in 2 weeks but since my Sunday weighin this week showed I’d lost 4 of them I think that most of that was actually from the long flight home.

I was sick the last couple days of our vacation and this week my work from home is completely reversed (in office 4 days, home one instead of the other way around) my lunch time treadmill time has not yet been resumed. With all of that upheaval I’ll be happy to be back to prevacation weight this weekend and then we’ll start progressing again.

Heh, my husband is getting used to me coming down the stairs, humming the Imperial March, carrying a pair of trousers or a top to the rubbish bin. :smiley:

Oh wow, you just reminded me that I bought mine a few years ago when I was actually about 15-20 pounds heavier than I am now… I need to get it out and see how it fits on me now.

They are pretty fantastic pieces of equipment, and I mean that. “Garment” is far too mild a word to describe them. Mine is the real deal: steel-boned. It cost about $300. (I cannot get it wet: the steel will rust and ruin the whole thing. I guess stainless would make it too costly, but having to dry clean a garment that is worn so close to the skin and which itself promotes sweat by its very closeness can become very costly if you wear it very often…might be more cost-effective to go stainless to begin with. Technically I think one is supposed to wear some kind of chemise or other light underlining garment to help wick the sweat and keep it off the corset, but I didn’t find that worked out very well, the cinching made the undergarment bunch unattractively.)

They are spectacular at making you look good in (and half-out!) of clothes, that is for sure. Depending on what I wore it with, mine visually wiped away a solid 30 pounds, that’s no exaggeration. (But that’s on a fat woman, I don’t think it would be quite so much on a woman who isn’t so big.)

What they are also spectacular at is correcting your posture, (although heavy reliance on them for that can actually weaken the core muscles). I purchased mine on a trip to Las Vegas, and I found it so incredibly comfortable in terms of correcting my posture that I decided to wear it on the 6-hour drive home, and it was a great decision. I have never before felt so good after driving for so long, by back always gets terribly fatigued, but not that time.

Mine is made to go under the breasts, and that was my biggest issue with it- I have never had particularly large breasts for a woman my size(s), and it is difficult to find a good bra to combine with the corset to make my breasts look less half-filled-water-balloons-laying-on-a-shelf…

Perhaps they could make a corsette for men that woul make other parts look bigger, but I digress…

Anyway, my weight loss programme is at a loss. After a few days of eating airline food, being a slob, and doing a great deal of nothing apart from wishing to choke a few people, I am not game to weigh myself.

Next week…

It snowed here Monday, with 3 short-lived inches on the ground. Today, the temperature will top out around 65F, and tomorrow will be 70.

I’m walking home tonight, and back to the orifice in the morning. It’s 3 miles one way.

Must be a great orifice if you will walk 3 miles to get there!

Well, I have to go to irk each day…

another week, another 0.4 kilos, and 1/2 inch off hips and waist, for a total of 6.4 kilos(1 stone) and 3.5 inches off waist, 1.5 inches off hips and 0.5 inches off neck.

Another gain is that i am up to 8.7 km in 50 minutes, which is a gain of 700 metres, or an increase in avg speed from 9.6 k/h to 10.5 k/h

Gained five pounds last week, lost six this week. Yeah, I know, it’s a net loss, but it’s just a little frustrating- feels like a lot of work for, generally, nothing.

What’s up with everyone this week?

I’m still trudging along. Losing 1-2 lbs a week.

I had to quit weight lifting because it’s irritating whatever is wrong with my tummy, and I feel too sick for the elliptical so I am just walking the track for 40-60 mins a day. For some reason it’s not too boring. Only problem is that I am not used to walking that long on the track (as opposed to on the elliptical) and am getting crazy blisters. It sucks big time. It’s getting hard to walk.

I can’t wait till Monday when I have an endoscopy and can get on the road to fixing whatever is broken in there. I hope the answer isn’t “Nothing, sorry.”

Oh, I also hope it’s not “Stomach cancer, sorry.”

How is everyone else??