Weight Loss Support Thread [edited title]

Feel better soon ZipperJJ!!

I umm went to DC for a week to earn some school credits on the advice of Academic Services and did nothing other than stuff my face with carbs (“I can’t work out, screw it I’m eating Ethiopian food.”). I came back feeling awful!! Why do I mentally crave crap I know makes me feel moody and gross ten seconds after I eat it???

Finally got back on the horse now that I’m back at school. Moving to New York in less than two weeks. My graduation status is still up in the air…I need to scrounge for three credits somewhere somehow but all my profs are pretty cool with letting me de facto drop out for the last month.

I have a goal skirt that I want to hit in 16 days. Let’s see if I can do it!

(oh yeah, and on the plus side, I was featured in Forbes Entrepreneur. Woot!)

Hope you feel better soon, ZipperJJ! It sucks when you can’t work out because you’re sick. The weather was beautiful today, but after a sleepless night, there was no way I was up to riding. I napped instead.

So this week, I officially quit smoking (go me!). So far, I haven’t had the urge to snack, but I stocked up on fruit and veggies in case I do. The grapes have been good, so I got a big 'ol bag of those, and some more oranges, bananas, cauliflower and baby carrots. The rough part so far is breaking the old habits; I’m used to taking a smoke break as dinner cooks, so I had to find something else to do until the craving passed. (I washed some dishes and scrubbed the broiler pan. That sucker sparkles.)

This week’s weigh-in was a little disappointing. I’m down 0.8 lbs., for a total of 85.8. It’s still down, but I thought I did better considering how much I exercised. (I did have a rough day Friday, which didn’t help. I probably didn’t need that second slice of pizza.)

Congrats on the mention, anu-la! It’s nice, innit?

I lost four pounds in three days. And now I’ve been stalled for a week. My overall rate is still good, but man, it’s been all jaggedy lately. Kind of frustrating. I also started a new job–I’d forgotten how much time working takes! And people bring in food and stuff. I’ve been either politely declining or working it in to my count, though.

It’s also going to be super warm this week, which kind of sucks–I much prefer doing my cardio when it’s <65F outside.

check in day! down 1.2 kilos this week to 102.4 for a total loss of 7.6, waist down another 1/2 inch to 42 inches. If only every week were so good!

Good for you! Not sure if this will work for you but I subbed a) sugar free popsicles and b) walking outside listening to really really loud music when the urge to smoke hit me (quit 5 years ago now). Gum helped a lot as well, and doing something with my hands. The physical addiction passed really quickly for me and it was mostly mental after that-hoping this transition is easy for you. :slight_smile:

I gained half a pound at Monday’s weigh in. :grumble: The good news is I walked home from work yesterday, and to irk today. The pseudo-spring weather is gorgeous…

Even better, no one tried to run me over this morning, unlike the 3 times going home yesterday.

I seem to have stalled, and I suspect it’s because of a project I’m doing at irk at the moment - I’m basically sat at my desk all day long, getting very little of that incidental exercise I usually get during the day.

After almost a week on the plateau, I was a 1/2 pound down this morning, YAY! I hope this means I’m going to start losing again.
this is me, whining:

my G-d, do I ever want some cheese!

I’ve been sort of half-assedly tracking my calories, and I think I’m a bit thinner. I was sick last week so I missed 10 days at the gym. Ouch. Finally got back on the horse again today - fortunately I didn’t lose all my muscles.

Yes, so are mine.

Well, I’ve finally got the details through for running a 5K in July, but I haven’t signed up yet - I think I’ll do a test run this weekend to see how my fitness is, then decide.

I’m planning on doing it to raise funds for a charity, so signing up then dropping out isn’t an option - there’s nothing like a bit of added pressure! I suppose walking some of it would be okay, so I could still do it even if I’ve not quite got into 5K shape by then - it *is *listed as a fun run, rather than a serious event.

And I’ve lost another 1lb - woohoo! That makes a grand total of, errr, 5lb since the end of January, but it’s still going in the right direction dammit! And my waist is slimmer, so I must be doing the muscle-building thing too :slight_smile:

Well done One and Only Wanderers! And get well soon too ZipperJJ hugs

For years, my doctor has been nagging me to lose weight. I have an annual medical every March. Between March '10 and March '11, I lost 21 pounds. His reaction: to worry and send me for an abdominal ultrasound (not covered by medicare) and a chest X-ray (covered). So this year, I lost another 18 pounds. His reaction: get another abdominal ultrasound and chest X-ray! I feel slapped in the face. Anyway, I am now down to 201. I passed 200 in tenth grade in HS. I don’t know what I weighed when I graduated. But I am now lighter than at any time since I was 15. When I drop below 200, I will celebrate (with a good meal, needless to say). I need to lost another 18 pounds for my BMI to drop below 25. If I do that during the next year, my doctor will go ape-shit. Incidentally, in 2001, I weighed 281.

Well, since your doctor has failed to say it - congratulations **Hari **on your successful weight loss! What’s your secret? :slight_smile:

Indeed, congratulations Hari!

I’ve stayed the same this week, which was to be expected. Better than gaining, I guess!

Damn, **Hari **that sucks! I’m wondering if something like that will happen to me when I finally go in for another checkup. If it does, the dr may well get a big peice of my mind. Every doctor (except one) I’ve seen at my clinic has dimissed all of health concerns with some politer version of “It’s because you’re a lardass, lose weight and you’ll be fine”.
81 pounds is a lot! Congratulations!

Yay, I love it when a big number goes down! Weighed in at 114.9kg this morning (SW: 129.4kg). I’ve been stuck in the 115’s for ages, so this feels really good. :slight_smile:

Welp, after noticing that all my pants are now too tight, I stepped on the scale the other day and saw that I have gained 10 pounds since my mom died in November.

Her memorial service is this Saturday, and I feel like after I get past that mental and emotional hurdle, I’ll be able to get back on track. I got a deal on Groupon with a local dietician to have my bodyfat/BMR tested and to have one counseling session for dietary advice, so I’m going to schedule that sometime soon, return to clean eating, and pick up running again.

For extra motivation, I have to remind myself that the more fat I carry, the greater my risk for the kind of cancer that killed her. It’s not just about appearance; it’s about doing my best to avoid that horrible, horrible death.

I gained 1.8 last week. I’m not happy about that, but considering that I stopped smoking, I understand. Next week, I may have to use my first-ever “free pass” because I can’t exercise until I get the clearance from my surgeon. I’m still being very careful, but not exercising is going to make a difference. But there’s not a lot I can do about it.

I fit into a pair of 14s. And I know that there’s size inflation, and that they were tight, and that I bought the jeans at Old Navy where they run kinda big anyway, but I’ve never fit into a pair of 14s before. Ever.

I’m still going down in weight. Still feel sick but I had the endoscopy and the doc says I’m fine. He had me go for a “gastric emptying test” today where I had to eat a radioactive egg sandwich and orange juice, to see if my tummy empties slowly.

I have to take $190/mo Nexium in the meantime. It does make me feel better.

I had my first “cheat day” today since I had the OJ. Figured I’d go whole hog and have some MdD’s for lunch and a couple slices of pizza for dinner. I actually was under calories on My Fitness Pal, since I still went to the gym and walked.

Oh, I’m under 300 now. Yay!

Next week I guess I’m back at the gym full force. I betcha my weight loss stops or weight goes up. I always seem to drop weight quickly when not working out. But I like to work out.

Good job everyone. Looks like you’re all going in the right direction! MsRobyn good on the quitting smoking. I quit a year ago and gained 20 lbs. Took me exactly a year to get rid of it. IT WAS NONSENSE!

I gained 1.8 lbs last week. Of course, I’d quit smoking the week before and had to weigh in a day early due to my surgery on Tuesday. (Not that the extra day would have made a difference, but it still threw me off.) My WW leader and smoking cessation coach both told me that smoking has an effect on metabolism, so some gain should be expected, but staying vigilant on my WW program should help that somewhat. Either way, it’s not worth starting smoking again.

I know I’m going to gain again. Thanks to the surgery, I can’t do much for exercise until I’m cleared by the surgeon on Tuesday. Even then, it’ll have to be light exercise since I can’t get my bike up or down the stairs or lift anything much more than 5 lbs.

Zipper, congrats on getting below 300! Those milestones are awesome, aren’t they?