What do you find creepy and why

Unfortunately, I’ve already seen it. And it comes back to haunt me each time I mention this. Now, where’s the bleach?

Oh my god, yes. A thousand times yes. I had the exact same experience. I was simultaneously paralyzed by utter terror and embarrassed that I was so scared I couldn’t form words.

I actually have this thing with natural history museums in general, which is annoying because I also find them fascinating. But any kind of display with fake animals or (shudder) people absolutely terrifies me (especially if the room is dark).

One time I thought it would be a good idea to do the Natural History Museum in London alone. I quite nearly - and I’m not kidding - had a panic attack while walking through those glass cases of fake animals. It’s incredibly stupid, but I was just utterly terrified.

But, yes, whales and other large sea creatures are the absolute worst. I’ve gotten apprehensive while playing video games in which I have to interact with a large sea creature, for god’s sake.

Thirding the deep water. It’s not just oceans and lakes that creep me out – have you ever swum in an indoor Olympic-sized pool and opened your eyes underwater and looked at the deep end? It’s black out there. shudder

Walking past a mirror in the dark. You never know what you might see.

Strangers or casual acquaintances who offer backrubs. I don’t like backrubs, period, and I sure as hell don’t want people I don’t feel affection for touching me in that way. Why do you want to touch me, anyway? Get away from me.

People you just meet who give you waaaay too much information about their personal lives. Their lack of boundaries disturbs me.

Not to start a fight, but I’m most creeped out by people that feel this way toward things like affectionate or even friendly hugs or handshakes. Part of being human and existing in a society is giving and receiving everything from physical greetings to physical affection, and whenever I encounter someone that has some weird hangup like this, I can’t help but feel like they’re the human equivalent of a wild or feral animal - they ping my creepometer big-time. I mean, if they can’t stand a basic hug, I’d prefer that they seek out whatever combination of therapy, medication, surgery, and torture necessary to get them over their recovered incest memories or whatever. :wink:

Okay, where is this picture? I want to see it now…

It’s not that I loathe hugs in general, but people who hug all the time, even people they don’t know. I hug my kids, I hug my husband, hell, I even hug several friends, but someone I’ve just met? No freaking way. That’s creepy as hell.

I won’t argue with you about my being like a feral animal. It’s true. As long as I can remember, people have wondered if I might be a high-functioning autistic – and I score way scary on those “do you have AS” quizzes. My issue with hugs is one that I can point to an exact person that created that creepiness factor, though, and it carries with me to this day. Again, it’s not hugs in general, but people who insist on hugging you, even though they barely know you, or you make it clear that you don’t wish to be hugged. Meh. Your mileage obviously varies.

I’m sort of weirded out by male ones. Maybe it’s just 'cause my friend’s father was one growing up and he abused his wife, plus there was a big poster of IUDs in the basement– they all looked like torture devices.

I’m boring. I’m creeped out by bug infestations. Not spiders or even bees and wasps, but lifting up a mat and finding earwigs or something.

Here ya go.

Oh dear Og. You linked to it.
:: shudder ::


Not that I feared them after reading “It”, but I do find grownups wearing exssesive make-up too be a bit disturbing.

Might be the most cliche example of something creepy, but seeing a person and finding out that a few weeks later that person has died is something that haunts me for days.

I don´t even like thinking about it.

It´s not necesarily that I have an emotional connection to the person, it´s just the idea that I person I talked to is no longer able to talk at all…

I’ve also always had the extreme squick at the sight of holey structures a la the wasp nest thing (and no, I haven’t seen THE Picture and I don’t ever plan to. Nope. Nuh uh). Anyone have any guesses as to why this is such a common source of creepiness?

Large buildings or structures that are oddly shaped give me the willies big time. Not like novelty buildings that are built to look like a giant ball of yarn or whatever, just unconventional ones, especially round ones like this. Gack, I’m hyperventilating just looking at that picture and I have no idea why.

I’m creeped out by people who linger after conversations with a dopey grin on their faces. Great example is the new guy at work. For about 30 sec to a minute after we’re done talking, he’s still there near my desk with this weird grin on his face, staring at me. I have no idea what the hell is up with him, but it freaks me out to no end. Thank God my last day is Friday.

Then there are millipedes. We used to get these when my husband and I were living in a 100-year-old brownstone. All of a sudden, out of the corner of your eye, you’d see one of these guys racing along the wall. I’d have dreams of being covered by them. Ick.

And finally, I also have a fear of mirrors in the dark, also probably from the Bloody Mary legend.

Basic survival instinct. The same reason dragons tend to be scariest when they are covered in scales (snake-like), have talons/wings (bird of prey) and breathe fire (fire kills). The insects that build hives tend to be poisonous and dangerous, so we have learned over the generations to be worried/cautious when we come across their living structures. That’s my take on it, YMMV.

The Statue of Liberty. Seriously. Not the idea of her, but the actual giant woman rising out of the water. Growing up in northern NJ I saw her a lot. Always freaked me out. Went on a cruise in the harbor one time and basically had to stay on the other side of the boat. I had an epiphany a few years ago that it’s all related to the ending of Planet of the Apes. I was very young when i saw that movie and that scene on the beach did me in.

None of these make me phobic, but I do find them a little creepy:

  • clowns
  • spiders
  • maggots
  • rats

Thanks…I guess…

(I find that gross, but not creepy, per say…)

Hmmm. That’s a good explanation for fear of wasps’ nests specifically, but I was just using that as a descriptive example. For me, anyway, it’s the whole er, holeyness that grosses me out. I’d never seen a wasp’s nest until about 10 years ago, but I’ve always recoiled from say, those dried things. Thanks for taking a stab at explaining my neurososis though :slight_smile:

And the Statue of Liberty, oh dear lord yes. I can look at distant pictures of her but a close up? No sir and no ma’am.

I find alcohol to be a great way of seeing what people are really made of. I like meeting new people at parties where I can observe them drinking. None of the people I associate with have dramatic changes when they drink. I’m also picky about who I hang out with so maybe that’s the payoff to having no surprises.

I find long fingernails creepy. I’m not even a big fan of painted nails. How can someone see dirt under their nails if they’re painted. Ewwww. If you have to do something to your nails then a basic manicure and a little buffing to shine them up.

Yes, I expect to get pummeled for this.

Jesus this whole thread is creeping me out. I suppose my list includes, but is not limited to:

  • super deep water
  • holey things like honeycombs, wasps nests
  • that god awful picture which I finally managed to bleach from my brain and then clicked on the friggin link and now it’s back, thankyouverymuch
  • holey things with things that don’t belong in them - when I was a kid I got these plastic sandles in Mexico that had holes in the soles (I guess to make them lighter) When you walked in them they would get rocks stuck in the holes - I could not STAND for the rocks to be in there and would have to dig them out. GAH - squicks me out just thinking of it

and finally, more than anything else:

  • moths

GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! - they’are the most hated creature on the frigging planet with their nasty gross fat moth bodies and their nasty gross moth powder and their nasty gross mothness.


I could have written this, only the people in question don’t always smile. Sometimes they just linger, staring. I look up, ‘Yes?’ and get a dazed look or a ‘Whaaat?’ Irritating more than creepy, though.