The Creepy Thread (Stories and Links Welcome)

Okay, it’s near my favorite time of the year and I’m seriously jonesing for some creepy material. There have been many threads in the past that have collected creepy material and I hope that this one becomes a repository for all things creepy. I’ve been collecting some of the material below from prior threads and elsewhere…

That said, here’s my list of creepy stuff. Please add your own stories or links!

You Tube Creepy Stuff:
Mr. Creepy Pasta - I find the narration effective and some of the CP’s are good. Plus the user has tons of videos and seems to be making new ones all the time.
The Little Fears - another Creepy Pasta site, although not as prolific as the first. I actually find her voice more effective.
Here are a few of her’s:
One in the Oven, The German Medic, and Candle Cove.
Reptile Woman - UFO Reptilian / Demon Morphing
Possible fallen angel in Catalonia (Spain)
Worlds scariest video.
MarbleHornets’s channel
Rubber Johnny
Suicide Forest in Japan
The Ghost Girl from a Cemetery in Mexico
Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know - Dyatlov Pass
Max Headroom WTTW Pirating Incident - 11/22/87
Rigoletto - La Donna E Mobile

Straight Dope Threads:
Very Vaguely Creepy
Weird, gross, creepy, or unsettling moments you’ve had
Creepy and spooky Youtube
I wanna get creeped out! Tell me some creepy stuff!
What weird thing frightens the bejesus out of you?
Very vaguely creepy: the YouTube version
Creepy Experiences and Sights
Share Your Creepy House Stuff
Tell me about a time when you were bone-chillingly, teeth-chatteringly scared
Things That Almost Scared The Pee-widdle Out Of You
Last time you were scared, as in, boogie monster stuff
In honor of Halloween…
true sppoky halloween tales
Tell us about the time you were most frightened
Very vaguely creepy, The Sequel
Very Vaguely Creepy III: La Nouvelle Vague
Return of the Son of Very Vaguely Creepy…
Marble Hornets - did anybody here catch on to this meme?

Good Wikipedia Creepy Pages
Dyatlov Pass Incident
Unexplained Disappearances
Unsolved Deaths
The Lead Masks Case
Taman Shud Case
Max Headroom Incident
The Hands Resist Him
Dark Retreat
Ourang Medan
Spring-heeled Jack
Sator Square
Mary Celeste
Carl Tanzler
Rosalia Lombardo
Tunguska event
Armin Meiwes
Philadelphia Experiment
List of Unexplained Sounds
Jersey Devil
Devil’s Tramping Ground
The Bunny Man
Ghost Stories
The Crying Boy
Uncanny valley
Bloody Benders
Stumbleupon’s 136 creepy wiki articles

Cracked Articles:
6 Movies That Predicted Disasters With Eerie Accuracy
Urban Legends That Happen to be True
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
The 7 Most Unintentionally Creepy Places on the Internet
7 Creepy Video Game Easter Eggs You’ll Wish Were Never Found
8 Creepy Video Game Urban Legends (That Happen to Be True)
Scariest Legends From Around The World
5 Terrifying Origin Stories Behind Popular Children’s Songs

Around the Web:
Ted’s Caving Page (Based on this story - PDF)
It Happened to Me! (Fortean Times forum). There are a few good ones here, I liked this one in particular: Strange “kid” on boat ramp
SCP Foundation
The Holders Series
Warehouse 23
About’s Your True Tales
The Official Shadow People Archive
The most creepy stuff on the web
The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft
The Story of the City of Brass
B’s Epic Creepy Stories Forum
The May Day Mystery
Serene Knowledge (Hodge podge of stuff)
Ray Bradbury. The October Game
Surfing the Apocalypse
The Monkey’s Paw
The Keys to D’Espérance
dead man’s liver
Utah’s Time/Space Warp Gadianton Canyon Encounter
99 Rooms
Reddit No Sleep:
Penpals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
The Dionaea House
Play With Me
Dining Room
Corpses for sale
This Man
Abandoned on Everest
Snopes Horror Section
TvTropes CreepyPasta Page
CreepyPasta Wiki
Shadowlands Haunted Places Index
History’s Most Overlooked Mysteries
About’s Paranormal Section
The Dropa Stone Discs
The most creepy stuff on the web
The Crying Boy Curse Myth
Old Creepy Ads
The Crying Boy by Bragolin and others
Monsterlist of Halloween Projects (Do it yourself projects)
The Enigma of Amigara Fault
The Legend of the Bell Witch
The Solway Firth Photo, 1964 (Spaceman)
Cryptid Wiki
10 More Mysteries that remain unsolved
Earth’s Unsolved X-Files
Scary Real Life Moments (IMDB Threads):
(3, 4)
BB.Com Threads (CreepyPasta Thread, IIT: We post Scary, Creepy Thread, Creepy Adventures as a Kid, Isthisrealife)
Devil’s Hole Cave
FFX Underground Threads (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

There was one webpage that I’ve been trying to find, it featured a guy who created a chat program. One day someone was interacting with it, thinking no one would read the chat logs, and confessed to being hundreds of years old (sort of like the man from earth). Anyone know what site it was (if it still exists)?

I came here this morning just for this. Wonder if we can get a whole sections started again this year? I’m beginning to think I’ve seen the entire internet.

My contributions:
Scary anime comic
The Hanged Man - The entire SCP Foundation collection is uber-creepy, but this is my favorite.
Hidden Mother photography

One more (quite recent) from the Dope: My creepy story and yours.

I knew exactly what this was going to be. I love that one, though I’m rarely actually able to finish it. (The Korean-language original did better on the scary parts, actually, but the translation at least saves it from ‘wtf’?)

I love creepypasta! Before I knew what it was (and 4chan was not even a single line of code on moot’s computer) I used to browse Snopes’ Horror section.

I’ve never worked up the patience to go through all of the SCP Foundation - I admit, I like my creepypasta to have a quick payoff. I recently got through the Penpal series on /r/nosleepand loved it so much.

I don’t do visual creepy stuff though, that’s too much. I went through the Korean comic with no sound and slooooooow scrolling and that was enough for me!

Same here. I still browse Snope’s horror section. The problem with searching for good creepypasta on 4chan is you have to deal with 4chan. :slight_smile:

I hear you - I think I went through almost all of the holder’s series…oddly enough, but not the SCP Foundation yet.

Penpal was good - I’m thinking about getting the book. I’d like to support the author.


I like creepy visuals as long as they aren’t screamers. To me that just seems cheap and once you’ve seen it, there’s not much more to it. A 5 second creep and that’s it. Whereas something like the Hands That Resist him is a bit more interesting.

I read that the artist did a sequel, but I couldn’t find it on his site. :frowning:

Ask, and ye shall receive! Submitted for your consideration, here comes…


At your service!

Can someone link to this penpal business? Sounds intriguing.

SCP is hit-or-miss, IMO. It’s one of those inside jokes that gets creepier (or funnier for some of them) the more you read. There’s one, I can’t find it now, that involves some sort of end-of-the-world scenario that always gives me the shivers.

Sometimes I feel like an old druggie with this stuff. I’m always looking for another hit, but it’s been a long, long time since I’ve found anything that really does it for me. I’m hoping for good stuff in a couple weeks when Sinister comes out!

It’s in my third post, there are 6 parts.

Ha! Thanks - I was actually asking for the sequel to ‘The Hands That Resist him’, but that is a good find as well!

Ah, thank you! I realize now I was being kind of a dick and not reading your lists very closely!

Also, can I just say how much it thrills me to see you’ve listed two of my top-five scary stories, “The October Game” and “The Keys to D’Esperance”?


I like this thread. I finished reading the Penpals series, and I want to buy the kindle book, but it says it’s not available in the Asia-pacific. Gotta ask them about that.

Well now…What are the other three? :wink:

I think it’s available at other places. On his FB page, he mentions an e-store. I don’t have time to really dig into it today though.

Well, the third is Ramsey Campbell’s “The Pattern.”

Not sure the other two. I always list these three as my favorites, but then got to doubting myself and thought surely there must be two I like better. I just can’t think of them!

Cracked: 6 creepiest places on Earth part 2

In order to not just post to subscribe and peruse all those links (seriously, that’s quite a collection!) later on, I think one thing you missed out is EverymanHYBRID, which is kinda in the Marble Hornets-vein (both are also related to the whole ‘Slenderman’-thing, I believe).