The Creepy People

There’s already a small dent in October and where is the creepy part of this message board? I lurk a lot but I really, really like the creepy threads around October. I can’t believe there isn’t one yet (at least as far as I can see) so I’m starting one. Here goes…

Tell me about the creepiest or freakiest person you’ve ever had contact with. I share two of mine.

Just vaguely creepy: There was a man that lived down the street from me in another neighborhood. He was related to my next door neighbor though and was over there a lot. The dude creeped me out in a slightly feminine, whiny, pedophile type way even though he was married and had his own kid. Can’t really put my finger on exactly why he gave me that vibe but one day he knocked on my door and when I answered he just stood there. He didn’t say anything at all until I asked him what he wanted. He wanted to talk to my son. My three-year-old son. Um…hell no.

I told him no and stood there waiting for some kind of explanation. Finally he told me he couldn’t find the keys to his golf cart and thought my son might have done something with them. I told him I would talk to my son and get back to him, have a nice day and shut the door. I seriously was creeped out by this guy. Luckily he and his wife got a divorce not too long after that and he moved away.

Very creepy: I’ve told this story here before. I moved at the end of my 9th grade year and ended up in a new school. There was a very large football player that would harass me in the hall between classes. He kept trying to corner me and kiss me. I quickly learned different routes to avoid him altogether and because he was a senior I only had to do this the last couple of months of school before I never had to deal with him again.

Fast forward several years and a little 12 year old girl went missing in our very small town. They found her body in this guy’s house. He was executed last year for her abduction, rape and murder. Story here.

So in the spirit of October, tell me the weirdest, creepiest or freakiest person you’ve ever known.

Well, I don’t know the guy, but earlier this week there was a guy wandering through my (usually very peaceful and happy) work neighbourhood, yelling really loudly and angrily and incoherently at nobody and knocking over garbage cans. What a fucking freak. Lock him up and throw away the key. :mad:


As for creepy people I’ve actually known… Well, I don’t know if this guy I knew counts as creepy, but he did do something that kind of freaked me out.

This guy and I met on an online forum (not the Dope.) He lives in Australia. We added each other on Facebook and became good friends. Really good friends. Good enough that he decided to visit me in Montreal.

I was happy that I got to meet a good online friend in real life. We did lots of cool things together when he was in Montreal. On the last night, I was in his hotel room, and he revealed that he would like to see me as… more than a friend. And he went ahead and cuddled me and kissed me. I didn’t feel the same way about him, though, and I was feeling confused at the time (in retrospect, I felt freaked out.)

A while later, whenever I looked at my Facebook page, it seemed that I kept seeing him listed as one of my friends that it put on my profile page, and it kept giving me unpleasant flashbacks of that night in the hotel room, so I blocked him on facebook (after giving it a lot of thought.) He realized what I’d done, but I managed to sort of weasel my way out of an explanation by strongly implying I’d quit Facebook altogether.

He and I are still in touch sometimes, but we’re not as good friends as we used to be.

Texas. Football. You do the math. :rolleyes:

When I was in college, I worked at a hotel banquet facility, and one night, there was this really creepy woman walking around, and we served the dinner early just because we didn’t want to keep looking at her. :eek: One of the guys I was working with that evening said, “My biggest nightmare is that I’m going to meet the perfect woman, and the day after we get married, she’s going to turn into that.”

About 15 years ago, I had a job experience that was so terrible, I briefly considered surrendering my license. The less said about one particular technician, the better, but one day, I had a weird feeling that the pharmacist I was working with was a serial killer. :eek: I’ve looked online to see if any large numbers of people were missing from areas where he lived, and there really weren’t. Until he came to work at this hospital, he always had his own business, and it didn’t take long to figure out why; he had to be self-employed because he couldn’t get along with people. Years before, he had his own store in a small town, and he told me that he was undercut by the competition but someone who admitted that they knew him said that people refused to patronize it because everyone in town knew that he beat his wife up all the time. I believe that, too. They had two grown children, and his wife did not work or drive, and this was probably not her decision, KWIM?

We pharmacists are a pretty tight-knit community, and even though he had been here over 20 years, I just couldn’t find ANYONE who knew him, even the ones who seemed to know everyone in town. He, however, claimed that he’d heard from multiple sources that I was an incompetent troublemaker but he hired me anyway yada yada yada. I honestly believe that hired me INTENDING to fire me (which he did, BTW). Yeah, nobody’s ever heard of him but he’s heard all about me; think about it. As for the woman who admitted that she knew him? She had done some relief work for him at his other business, and she got 3 paychecks from him and they all bounced. :smack:

The woman who worked there after me is the type of person that if you don’t like her, it’s because there’s something seriously wrong with you. She simply walked out in the middle of a shift, even though she has a permanently disabled child and her husband has been a SAHD and his primary caregiver since he was born.

About 4 years later, after I left the job I got after that (burnout and management changes was why), I interviewed somewhere else and was asked why I left Hospital X after 4 months. I hemmed and hawed a bit, and the interviewer said, “You can tell me the truth. I’ve been told many times that Hospital X is a very difficult place to work at.” So, it wasn’t just me after all!

When I was 19, I worked in a hotel coffee shop and began seeing one of my co-workers. He was my first ever “boyfriend.” After a couple months, it became blatantly obvious that this boy was a pathological liar. I also did not enjoy spending a lot of time with him, because I had to fake laugh and smile at everything he said and my jaw began to hurt.

Around my birthday, he said that he had gotten me a gift, but that it was in his house when there was a fire and the house burned down. At some point, my mother, being a rather social person, reached out to his mother, and talked to her on the phone for a bit, and said she found her to be quite the nice person.

Nonetheless, this boy began to be a little weird, but I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I did end things between us.

Fast forward about two years and I see a story on the news about a mother and her two sons and a young daughter. The mother was a bit psycho and had killed her two older daughters with the forced assistance of the two sons. She was now being arraigned for the killings. Her son, Robert, moved to Nevada with her, and one night, under the influence of drugs, he went into a bar, got in an argument with the bartender, and killed him.

Yep, Robert was my ex-boyfriend.

Story here:

Wow, want2befree, that is some story. I just finished reading that whole article. Very creepy.

Ah yes, the ever-present football-player rapist in love with dyin’ and doing it in Texas.

I don’t have any creepy people stories, I’m afraid. I’m probably in a few though.

I love me some creepy threads.

Here’s the one I created last year. I was thinking of bumping it - but I didn’t want a mod locking it because it was a zombie…Although that would be slightly ironic, I suppose…


I was on official travel with a group of men. We decided to drive through the night to get back to main base early. So some ungodly hour of oh dark thirty we stopped at a 24 hour place (maybe a Dennys) for food. It was back in the era when smoking in restaurants was common, so the guys stayed inside for one last ciggy ( I wouldn’t let them smoke in the car) and I went outside to start the car. While I was walking across the dark and almost empty parking lot, a man came up from nowhere behind me, and asked me for the time.

For those of you that don’t have any knowledge of rapist techniques one of the things they’ll do is test your compliance by asking you the time or some change or a cigarette. While you look away from them, then they’ll grab you and well, there’s another missing woman in rural California.

I whirled on him, slammed one foot on the ground as I lunged at him and yelled “NO!” with the aggressive tone and loudness of voice I used on really bad dogs.

It was quite gratifying to hear a grown man squeak and run like a bunny away from me.

I was screaming after him, "YOU DON’T NEED THE FNG TIME IT’S FNG DARK YOU FNG D! "

Then I went inside and rousted my guys, warned the waitresses and we went home.

I was taught that 99% of all menacers will leave you alone if you look like you’re quite willing and capable of defending yourself.

You realize that the guy who asked you for the time is probably posting this same story in a thread called “Crazy people you have run into” on another message board right?

Emily! How unlike you! :eek:

Sounds like someone with mental problems, who might need help. Not to be locked up.

This creepy people thread seems littered with potentially innocent people! Here is a creepy person my aunt ran into, years ago.

My auntie was going through a gate out in the countryside and got stuck in the mud. Suddenly there was a man wearing a suit, who offered to push her out. He got her out of the mud and she offered him a ride. He got in, but suddenly the hairs on the back of her neck were up. She felt like it was terrible idea and wanted him out ASAP. So she stopped by the side of the road and said she could see from the dashboard light that the boot was open, would he hop out and shut it, please? When he got out she drove away at high speed.

Sounds like another of those potential innocent stories?

As she drove away she started to feel really guilty about leaving him there, telling herself that he had done nothing wrong. Then she saw his briefcase was still in the car, and felt really, really bad about it. She drove to the police, handed over the briefcase and explained the whole thing. They decided to open the briefcase right there to see if there was a business card or something. Inside the briefcase they found nothing but gloves, rope, a plastic sheet, a knife and a gun.

We still sometimes try to come up with an innocent reason someone might have those in briefcase, out in the countryside. Maybe he was a… a…tree surgeon with a gun? Well maybe he was just going to…? Nope, got nothing.

I know, we’ve been through the same thing when I posted this in another creepy thread. Obviously I can’t prove this happened to my aunt! I know it did, that’s all I have…

Do you actually know it happened, or do you simply know she claims it happened?

The story doesn’t even really make sense as written. He’s out in the country in a suit, with a briefcase, but no vehicle? He’s already in the “victim’s” vehicle, with access to a gun and a knife, but he gets out of the car? (And couldn’t he tell the trunk was still shut just by turning around and seeing it was still shut?) Wouldn’t he have noticed it was open when he was pushing out the car? What were the gloves for? His fingerprints are already all over the car from pushing it out, right? Doesn’t he have mud all over his suit now - and isn’t that sort of a bad idea for a potential murderer trying not to draw attention to himself? (Maybe there was a change of clothes in the briefcase too?) She felt really, really bad about it but didn’t go back to get him or apologize? She didn’t open the briefcase herself to see if there was a way to get it back to him?

I can’t say for certain it didn’t happen, but I find it very implausible as written.

So I was in a discussion forum this one time, and there was a pretty neat posting somebody wrote about their aunt, and then this guy jumped out and completely slashed the posting to bits…

Sorry. :smiley: You all carry on. I tend to really like these creepy threads this time of year, so I’ll just lurk and read.

Well yeah, I know she claims it happened, I believe her because she is my aunt and I’m posting it in a creepy story thread because it’s a creepy story (and mainly fun because she wasn’t actually murdered).

I can’t really help you with the questions, it’s the same stuff we’ve been over many times. It’s weird he was out in the country seemingly without a car and wearing a suit, but then it’s not deserted countryside and my uncle himself is a surveyor and walks around the countryside in a suit, sometimes away from his car. You can’t always see the boot is open if it’s just not shut properly, that’s what the light is for. They didn’t take prints off the car or anything presumably because no crime was committed. I mean, she just left the briefcase and walked out of the police station, no more was made of it.

I completely agree it’s a weird, unlikely, creepy story and I completely agree that I cannot prove it happened. The weirdness is also why we have always been trying to explain the contents of the briefcase in a logical way. Heck, maybe there were other things in the briefcase that she didn’t even see (pockets?), or just forgot about! I don’t know. It’s weird. Believe me, I know.

But this a thread for creepy stories, and this is my creepy story. You needn’t believe it. I believe my aunt, though I accept there may be aspects she missed, misrepresented after the fact etc (and of course I am retelling, I might be getting things wrong). That’s all I can tell you :slight_smile:

When I was about 14 years old I went to visit my father who was working abroad in Damascus, Syria. We were there with the whole family my 2 sisters and my mother. He just recently moved into a new apartment. The moment I first set foot in the apartment I had a strange feeling, but I shrugged it off and was more impressed by the apartment than anything else.

That first night is when something strange happened. I dreamt that I was at a big festival that lasted for days. While walking to one of the podiums with a friend we came across a man with a purple cloak that hooded his face. He asked if he could join us. I said of course and invited him back to our tents where we sat around a camp fire with friends. Not talking about anything in particular.

Our holiday in Damascus lasted for 6 weeks and for every single night he appeared in my dreams. After his first appearance he never said another word to me. He was always around in my dreams, always standing just outside the main subject of my dream, but never far away. I’m not certain that I can remember his face. I do know that his skin was pasty white and in some images I recall it as veiny.

A few days before we left I mentioned the hooded man to my parents. They initially didn’t want to tell me, but I wasn’t the only one who had strange experiences in the apartment. Nobody had dreams about the cloaked man, though.

When we left the apartment to go back home I never dreamt about him again.

I don’t believe in the supernatural and it could be that I am misremembering my own experiences or there was an image I subconsciously saw every day in that apartment and dreamt about. I never felt threatened by him nor was I scared when I woke up in the morning. The only moments I was scared in that huge apartment was when my family left for shopping and it didn’t feel like I was the only one in the apartment.

Gracer, Did your aunts story happen in a town in the Netherlands?

According to my ex I was a super creepy person before she knew me. I like to take walks, and when I lived closer to the university campus (when I was still in college), I’d take walks around campus all the time. I have usual “routes”, which isn’t a route so much as a vague set of locations I hit. On hot days, I tend to localize around the student union to get out of the sun and stay in the air conditioning. This means that I’d seemingly randomly come around corners, be sitting in random benches, and pass by the same spot. Apparently my ex (and who knows how many other people) thought I was stalking her, I didn’t even notice her. There’s a billion people there and I never noticed who I walked by multiple times, especially multiple times over the course of days/months/years. I also walk sort of quickly, which is apparently weird somehow.

So there you go, Jragon the uber creepy stalker person who really just has an aimless pacing problem (I also pace when talking to people instead of standing still and it drives people insane).