There’s already a small dent in October and where is the creepy part of this message board? I lurk a lot but I really, really like the creepy threads around October. I can’t believe there isn’t one yet (at least as far as I can see) so I’m starting one. Here goes…
Tell me about the creepiest or freakiest person you’ve ever had contact with. I share two of mine.
Just vaguely creepy: There was a man that lived down the street from me in another neighborhood. He was related to my next door neighbor though and was over there a lot. The dude creeped me out in a slightly feminine, whiny, pedophile type way even though he was married and had his own kid. Can’t really put my finger on exactly why he gave me that vibe but one day he knocked on my door and when I answered he just stood there. He didn’t say anything at all until I asked him what he wanted. He wanted to talk to my son. My three-year-old son. Um…hell no.
I told him no and stood there waiting for some kind of explanation. Finally he told me he couldn’t find the keys to his golf cart and thought my son might have done something with them. I told him I would talk to my son and get back to him, have a nice day and shut the door. I seriously was creeped out by this guy. Luckily he and his wife got a divorce not too long after that and he moved away.
Very creepy: I’ve told this story here before. I moved at the end of my 9th grade year and ended up in a new school. There was a very large football player that would harass me in the hall between classes. He kept trying to corner me and kiss me. I quickly learned different routes to avoid him altogether and because he was a senior I only had to do this the last couple of months of school before I never had to deal with him again.
Fast forward several years and a little 12 year old girl went missing in our very small town. They found her body in this guy’s house. He was executed last year for her abduction, rape and murder. Story here.
So in the spirit of October, tell me the weirdest, creepiest or freakiest person you’ve ever known.