The Creepy Thread (Stories and Links Welcome)

I’ve Ted’s caving page before and enjoyed it. But I just read the Nosleep pages. The author sure did a great job of tying the stories together with callbacks.

Ooh, cool, creepy stuff! I just read through all six parts of the Penpals series, and liked it so much I bought the book.

I read the Holders series last year (I think I found that off a Dope link too) and it was nice to revisit it again.

Love the creepy stuff. :smiley:

Why does that sound so familiar? I’m going to have to check it out.

Right now I’m listening to the audiobook ‘John Dies at the End’, which is really good and I felt I should mention it in this thread. :smiley:

Once upon a time on SDMB I found a creepy story someone wrote about a group of US soldiers (in present day) staying in an old Nazi HQ in Germany the seemed haunted. Ring any bells? I don’t recognize any of the links as being it.

I think it might be in one of the VVC threads, Gedd. I remember reading the same one- whispers of “You’ll be alright” in people’s ears and that kind of thing?

Here is my short thread about a true creepy story that I wrote up and won a $100 prize in my old hometown newspaper.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been five years since I received that curious parcel. Some people found that affair a trifle creepy. (Others engaged in fish-duels, but what can you expect on the Dope? :D)

I just finished it - that was excellent!

Heh–you got to read straight through it. It was originally spread over the thirteen days leading up to Halloween, and I think people were getting ready to lynch me by the finale. :slight_smile:

This one creeps me in a very personal way because of a recurring dream I had as a kid from about seven to ten. I would wake up outside my house, sometimes only ten feet away and sometmes a hundred yards, and stare at the porch light and dark windows knowing that everyone was asleep inside. Including me. I knew that my body lay in that house and only my consciousness was outside. Somehow I would have to make it back to my body but I didn’t know how. I could see the stars in the night sky and the moonlight on the pasture, the way the light from the porch cast shadows, all of it very clear. I could look down and see grass or gravel, sometimes with frost on a cold night, but I could see no part of me. It scared me deeply because I felt so alone and didn’t know if I could ever get back. I would though. I would lay awake a bit after savoring the feel of being in my own skin and praying I never had that dream again.

I remember that one, too: Humper-Monkey’s Ghost Story

Yep, that’s it!

I found this today:

Starting at post five:

Another poster (ActionSatisfaction Esq. ) writes this, which creeped me out:

The History of Halloween:

Much more on the website.

Not really creepy, per say, more strange (and actually thoroughly debunked), is the story of John Titor.

His story can be found here:

Then there’s this:
Let Me Hear Your War Cry

I don’t have anything to add, but wanted to say thanks for posting enough reading material to keep me fascinated (and under-productive) for days.

i remember reading that story before in one of the creepy stories threads floating around out there (i love digging those up, especially this time of year) and it has always stuck in my mind. shudder.

La Llorona - Weeping Woman of the Southwest (wiki):

Hellhoundslair - a collection of stories

A Voice from the Past:

The Disappearing Girl Part 1, Part 2

The Ghost in the Mirror: Phantoms or Psychological Illusions?


A legend:

Resistance at the Threshold!

(You may need to scroll down just a bit.)