What elderly celebrity will you miss most when he or she dies?

They’ve both been mentioned, but Betty White and Paul McCartney.

I still watch Betty White in anything I can, old game shows, Mary Tyler Moore, Golden Girls, whatever.

And Paul. Well, he’s Paul McCartney. I was saddened, surprised and amused when he was shut out of some artist’s post-Grammys party for not being VIP.

And I had no idea that Beverly Cleary was so old. I read all of her stuff as a kid.

I’d forgotten about Stephen King. That will definitely do a number on me. And everyone here is apparently a big Beverly Cleary fan, but I grew up on Judy Blume. She’s 78 now and my heart will break when she passes. Also 78 is one of my first cinematic giants… Dustin Hoffman. I think that once I discovered him, I avidly saw everything he’d ever done. So, he’ll be another really difficult death for me.

I’ll miss Gene Hackman, 86. He retired from acting 12 years ago, but has since embarked on a new career as a novelist.

Also, Harrison Ford.

Olivia de Havilland – I always find it fascinating that she is still among us, while her acting colleagues have been dead for decades. The films she starred in feel like they belong to a different era, and for some reason it makes me happy to think that one of the actors is still alive, even then so much time has passed since they were made.

Also, as someone said above, Queen Elizabeth. She was queen all my life, it’s going to be a real shock to see someone else on the throne. If the throne will even last, that is (I heard many Brits saying that it’s time for a conversation about monarchy to happen after the Queen dies).


Same here, though I’m not surprised at all. He was an inspiration and joy to me for 40 years of my life.

Yep. I spent my adolescence trying to be a mixture of Han Solo and Indiana Jones.

Yeah, that’s who I first thought of. I can remember being spellbound by Life on Earth as a kid and his nature documentaries have been a constant in my life ever since.

Oh, sorry, panache45. To make it up to you for inadvertently labeling you (libeling you?) as elderly, here’s an interview with Carol Burnett from today’s Washington Post: www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/carol-burnett-talks-showbizs-evolution-gut-instinct-and-what-tv-shows-shed-binge-on/2016/04/07/d5b8de5a-f844-11e5-8b23-538270a1ca31_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-cards_hp-card-lifestyle%3Ahomepage%2Fcard

Miss Burnett is still energetic and funny. I adore her.

I probably won’t know until they’re gone. The ones that leave a large body of work I won’t miss so much because they won’t really be gone. It’s probably someone who leaves too soon. Phil Hartman was a case like that, I didn’t realize how much I’d miss him until he died much too soon, I felt like he hadn’t done his best work yet.

It’s too late, as James Garner died two years ago.

For those still alive, I guess it would be Dylan. I remember Dylan, Baez, Collins and the others of the folk movement from when they were new acts, doing hard-hitting social commentary and writing sheer poetry. Right now, it’s a race to see who dies first, them or me.

I will say, posthumously, Joan Rivers. Think what you will of her, but she was hilarious and one of a kind.

I will miss Neil Diamond when he goes.

Jimmy Buffet…he turns 70 in December. I have all of his albums/cd’s and have seen him in concert 14 times. He just makes me happy.

Mother, mother ocean, I have heard you call,
Wanted to sail upon your waters
since I was three feet tall.
You’ve seen it all, you’ve seen it all.
Watch the men who rode you,
Switch from sails to steam.
And in your belly you hold the treasure
that few have ever seen, most of them dreams,
Most of them dreams.
Yes, I am a pirate two hundred years too late.
The cannons don’t thunder there’s nothin’ to plunder
I’m an over forty victim of fate
Arriving too late, arriving too late.
I’ve done a bit of smugglin’
I’ve run my share of grass.
I made enough money to buy Miami,
But I pissed it away so fast,
Never meant to last, never meant to last.

I was watching Muhammad Ali on the Johnny Carson show. He will definitely be missed. World champion heavyweight boxer. Olympic gold medal winner. He refused induction into the U.S. Army during the Vietnam war and his case was upheld by the Supreme court. He was larger than life. He was the Greatest.

Phil Lesh will hit me pretty hard when his time comes.

Morgan Freeman, for sure. He’s almost 80, but it seems like he has at least one more good role in him.

Got it on the opening post-- Dick Van Dyke. Great memories.

Did he achieve everything on his bucket list? :smiley:

I’ll definitely miss Michael Caine, I checked up on Sean Connery the other day just to make sure he wasn’t reported to be in bad health.

…and Joni Mitchell.