What is the most disgusting thing you have ever tasted?

Some of these things I kind of like. Caviar, capers, I even liked the taste of lutefisk. It was the texture that I couldn’t abide.

  1. Some kind of cheese. It may have been beer cheese, but I don’t remember. I think it had alternating layers of yellow and white. It was hard and crumbly. Whatever it was it tasted like gym socks.

  2. Protein-enhanced beer. I took a swig, and immediately noticed that it was not entirely liquid. I spit it out, and away crawled a respectibly sized cockroach.

I’m so glad I don’t live in that apartment anymore.

I’ve tried to eat durian, even though I had been aware of its reputation of having a rank odor. The taste was so awful that I was unable to finish ten percent of it. Usually I can force horrible foods down my throat, but I probably would have thrown up in this case. I now have a goal to one day finish one and keep it down.

That’s what I was going to say! I don’t think our snake had a scorpion in its mouth though, but the bottle looked like the one in your picture. Also: stale beer with cigarette butts. I had both on the same evening.

Ugh! You think that’s tame? Blech!

This was my worst ever too, but it was Copenhagen spit, drank out of the wrong cup…it was really the thick, ropy texture of having someone else’s snuff-infused saliva sliding down my throat that made me hurl.

My least enjoyed disgusting food (having shared experiences with some of the others mentioned) would have to be poi. It isn’t so much that it’s really foul, per se, its just a gloppy, flavorless mass of grey goop. It was like eating pureed raw oysters that had been thickened with some gelatin…without any cocktail sauce.

Boiled chicken’s feet in China - they didn’t taste of much, but the texture (slimy and chewy) was just hideous.

Close second was a stew made from mopane worms in Malawi - they were rubbery balls of yuk, but with added spines along the back.

I think it’s pretty good if it’s fresh, or better, slightly fermented.

But the instant powdered stuff? Full of yuck.

  1. Limburgher cheese…and I LOVE stinky cheese…just not stinky feet cheese…
  2. When I was little I blew a bubble with my gum and sneezed at the same time. Started chewing the gum again and it tasted a bit salty. Yup. I was chewing on a snot that had landed on the bubble. Oh, this almost made me puke as I was typing…shudder…

Worst food - sea urchin

I’ve had some very mild and delicious hundred-year-old egg from a favorite restaurant which closed. In fact, my picky teens still ask for it. I’ve tried to recreate it with store-bought hundred-year-old egg, and both times they were *way *too strong to eat. They were probably more like hundred-and-one-year-old eggs.

  1. Chicken feet or chicken/cow intestines

  2. I’ve drank from a Bud Light can used as an ashtray on two occasions.

When I was being scanned to see if my appendix needed to come out, I had to drink some kind of grape flavored soap that was pretty bad. I remember the first time I made out with a girl who smoked, I couldn’t get that taste to go away. It was still there when I woke up the next morning too.

  1. Dutchboy brand yellow latex house paint. It’s where I got my college fraternity nickname, which was also my original user name here (dutchboy208).

Chicken feet in China don’t even make it onto my ick list. Different strokes, I guess, as I can’t abide raw oysters or sea urchin roe.

Bud Light?!?!? :eek: ::shudder::

This. Being an Asian and brought up to be a non-fussy eater, I have partake in raw oyster, coconut meat, durain, spiced rabbit’s head, 100 years egg, salted egg, fish eyes, pig’s brain and the sort but I can’t stand looking at chicken’s feet. It’s not the taste or the texture, but how it looks like. Something like ET’s shrivelled hand.

However, if you de-bone it (and there’s really nothing but rubbery skin left if you do that), I can stomach it, if you don’t tell me what it was.

And yet another vote for Lutefisk. If there is a god, s/he didn’t intend for lutefisk to be food.

Thrills gum is delicious! It’s what the tooth-fairy always used to bring. Mmm, soapy goodness!

  1. Kimchi. It was a small bite, I only had it in my mouth for a few moments before I spit it out and I still suffered from a severe bout of gagging.

  2. I slipped on a wet barn floor and landed in a fairly fresh cow pie. Some of it got in my mouth. I ran to a water trough to rinse it out and the farmer yelled at me for contaminating the cow’s drinking water.

  1. Something intended to be eaten or drunk

McDonalds Shamrock Shakes - or as I like to call them, antifreeze floats.

  1. Something that was never intended to be eaten or drunk

At least by a human - WonderBait fishing bait.

Lutefisk made by your grandmother or the church-basement-ladies isn’t too terribly bad with enough butter and salt. The lutefisk served to the students at St Olaf College is/was among the worst things in life.

What ELSE would you expect a poster named Dr. Crap to drink?:slight_smile: