what is wrong with hijacking a thread?

Are germicidal/antibacterial soaps really better for daily hand washing?

No it hasn’t!

No, they are no more effective at killing microorganisms than regular soap (unless you are talking about alcohol based had sanitizer). And they have negative environmental consequences.

Yes it has, and it was inevitable that a thread about hijacking be itself hijacked.

The trouble with hijacking is that it can lead to:
(1) Silliness
(2) Religious or political warfare (about Clinton vs Bush, Mircosoft vs Macintosh, or baseball vs cricket)
(3) Any combination of the above.

The OP was nicely answered early on, before the ministry of silly hijacks got here, so let’s just sully up MPSIMS with what’s left of this one.

samclem GQ moderator

Nude hockey should only be played on grass by girls. You don’t even need a goal. Or a puck. Or a stick. Well, maybe one stick …

Batman, if he was prepared.

I didn’t know they had female footrounder-playing rug-bee cricket wallabyes in New Zealand? Learn something new everyday.

The main problem with hijacking is that often the hijacker has no idea of the fuel capacity or optimum speed of the thread before they do their do. Tragically short-term threads are hijacked for long-distances and they ultimately just run out of fuel and crash in the Andes or near some deep-sea trench and have to chill them crackers out. Dog get burning by 1920’s Style Deaf Rays, people end up getting their heads lobbed off, Hi Opal!, Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
::Inigo is gently wrapped in a white denim cocoon with leather highlights and given a free ride to a nice, warm, safe place::

Definitely my favorite thread yet…

Not to harsh anybody’s mellow here, but I have something to contribute to the original question. It is considered bad manners to hijack a thread early on while it is still basically on topic or to hijack it loudly and rudely with a big fight at any point. Conversations do ebb and flow and turn to other subjects naturally, but a thread hijack would be the conversational equivalent of some people discussing the price of tea in China, and you interrupt their conversation and start talking to them about something completely unrelated, or you and your buddy start brawling in the middle of a friendly party. It’s just uncool, you know?

Okay, you may now return to sullying up MPSIMS.

MPSIMS is really called Golf and should be played with girls in the sand (bunk-her).

But won’t somebody please think about the poor__________ (fill in the blank)?

A horse walked into a bar.

If everyone in China jumped off a chair at the same time, would there be enough chairs?

Hal likes sheep.

Sunspace likes the squck.

According to Cecil, no.

Welease Bwian!

Jumps up and brandishes 1920’s-style death ray.

All right, everybody down! I’m taking this thread to Cuba!

Bystander: I once shot a man who hijacked a thread in my pajamas.

Bystander: Do you know how that thread got in my pajamas?
Girl Baseball Player: Afrayed not.