What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?

ENTJ, but like this:


It’s the latter, for the most part. It’s that preference for asynchronous communication, as referenced in the link I posted.


I Have No Idea What You All Are Talking About

Just to be clear, I am not poo-pooing the system so much as the exercise we had to endure at work. There was a lot of noise made in the beginning about accommodating peoples’ differences, but at the end of the day, it is still an extrovert’s world and nothing really changed.

Just like your link says, I loathe being lied to or manipulated.

ESTP, apparently. With both S and T being expressed by 1 percent, so it’s a razor-thin line there.

Ain’t that the truth. heh

INTP, but very close to the line on both E/I and on T/F.

According to feeling types I’m “dismissive,” “arrogant,” “overly critical of others,” and “lack empathy,” so I’m the perfect INTJ.

That’s almost me exactly! I’ve even tested as an E once or twice.

I’m an ENFJ, and I think it’s me and one other guy on here and that’s it.

Mine usually come out as INTJ or ENTJ, or in other words, I am a Mastermind Fieldmarshal.

I don’t take it particularly seriously.

This diagrams my own configuration very closely.

ISTJ - Serious, quiet, earn success by concentration and thoroughness. Practical, orderly, matter of fact, logical, realistic and dependable. See to it that everything is well organized. Take responsibility. Make up their own minds as to what should be accomplished and work toward it steadily, regardless of protests or distractions. And yep, I have Aspergers too.

INFJ here!

It’s frightening how accurate the description are…

ENTJ, but the “E” only had a strength of 1. Ask me tomorrow and I could be an INTJ.

YES. YES. YES. This. I test INTJ, and desperately need that middle of the day recharge. The unwritten rule always seems to be, sit around and shoot the shit with colleagues during lunch instead, but isn’t that what we sit around at our desks all day long doing anyway? Gah!

“You mean you don’t find brainstorming and alignment meetings invigorating and refreshing?”

I even forwarded the Jonathan Rausch article about introversion to some people I work with for shiggles.

I think the last time I took one of the internetty versions of this, I came out as ENTP.

According to the linked quiz, I’m an INTP with a 12% T.

To answer corkboard’s question I don’t really follow it, but I’m aware of my designation in the system. I’m also a Capricorn (I don’t follow that either), a scanner (rather than a delver), a Relator (rather than a Director, Socializer, or Thinker), and an RIA (Reality - Information - Art, from the Strong Interest Inventory).

What can I say. When I see a personality sorting system, I like to fiddle with it and see where it slots me.

Hrm, either I misremembered the previous result or it changed. Taking the test linked above, I’m considered an ENTJ. (Strength of the preferences: E 44%, N 50%, T 1%, J 33%).

Hahaha, from one of the explanation sites linked above:

Not that these things are necessarily 100% accurate, but boy have I been running into problems because of **that **lately.