What purpose does the Moon serve?

And that, Starguard, is commendable – you are seeking learning so you have clarified your question. Others would have gotten all defensive after all the ribbing but you found learning amidst it all.

What If the Moon Didn’t Exist?: Voyages to Earths That Might Have Been, by Neil F. Comins.

Interesting speculation on a variety of scenarios.

But while the book came out several years ago and I don’t remember all the different paths earth could have taken, I’m sure that the OP’s talk about gravitational stabilization is exactly as much nonsense as the other posters have said it is.

Do you mean this thread?

This is the best reason for the moon that I have seen yet. :smiley:


I was debating it but had just decided to do that link. It is legend.

Right. The real question you seem to be asking is, “What advantages does life on earth or the earth itself gain from our moon existing?”

Also, “What differences would there be on earth if our moon just wandered away to revolve around some other heavenly body.”