Tomorrow will be a complete Full Moon. I was sitting here thinking about it and started to ask myself…“Why is the Moon up there”. I know that God creted the Moon for a reason, but I can’t figure out what that reason is. I can see the Suns purpose, It seems to be there to give us light for the day, warmth when its cold, and solar energy that feeds the plants. WhenI look at the moon though, I can’t see a single reason of why its up there.
Does anyone here know the answer to this question…Why is the Moon up there and why do we have just one
The moon is there because of a cosmic collision that happened around 4.6 billion years ago. It created the moon, and spun the earth up. That is the likely causative reason why the moon is here. We have only one moon by sheer chance.
God put the moon there so the sun would have a wife. DUH!
Anyway, seriously… unless you have some suggestions about how we can empirically determine the possible motivations of an omnipotent, omniscient being whose existence is more than a little in doubt, I don’t think the question of why God made the moon has a factual answer that we can determine. I mean, even if we presume that God exists, created the Earth, and had some specific purpose in mind when installing our current model of moon, how are we supposed to know what God had in mind? We’re just puny humans, here. Maybe the moon was there just to inspire some obscure but vitally important poet or writer a few thousand years ago. Maybe the moon is supposed to be our place of refuge if we somehow manage to render the Earth uninhabitable. Maybe God really, really wanted someone to make the movie Apollo 13. Maybe God’s just fond of big shiny round things.
Perhaps “What physical event caused the Earth to have a natural satellite? Isn’t it sort of weird to have only one?” or “In what ways does the existence of the moon benefit living creatures on Earth, particularly humans? How would we be affected if we suddenly had two moons, or none?” would be questions that would fit better in GQ.
Thank you, Starguard, for asking what the purpose of the moon is. At least once a week we are asked what the purpose is for mosquitoes, appendixes, platypuses, the international snowmowing council, and Jupiter. You are providing us with a continual source of amusement. To quote the poet Simon, " …God makes his plans. The information’s not available to the mortal man…"
As Ed Sanders wrote, “Who was it set up a system, supposedly democratic system, where we always end up votin’ for the lesser of two evils? I mean, was George Washington the lesser of two evils? Sometimes I wonder.” (Johnny Pissoff)
This is where I should throw in another confusing quote. Sorry.
Yeah, yeah. Somebody do a Spongmonkeys link. :rolleyes:
Well, I was gonna, but if you’re going to get all fussy about it…
I believe I ran across something once about the moon being there to keep the earth on its rotational axis but I wasn’t sure about this. I think it had something to do with the moons gravitational forces on the earth preventing the earth from spinnig wildly about. but again, I am not sure about this. I was (and still am) hoping that someone here who’s main hobby s astonomy will chime on this and volunteer any information that he/she may have. Believe me it will truly be appreciated
General Questions is for questions with factual answers. If there is a factual answer to why God made the moon, we’re not going to find it on this board and probably not in this life.
This is closed.
DrMatrix - GQ Moderator