What the heck is going on in my mouth? (Dental question)

choie, usually on a tooth with a crack if you get through it all then a filling is fine, if not then a crown is usually the better option.

Shouldn’t usually be too sore after a filling. However this seems a bit deeper than most so may have more post op sensitivity. Nerves get traumatized when teeth are drilled on.

High pitched dril is a high speed usually water cooled drill for tooth removal/shaping the prep.
Heavy tool is a low speed drill usually used for removal of decay when it is deep.

Our emergency policy is really more a function of the patient demographics. Many folks lower socioeconomic class, cash basis, wait till it hurts to come in, no preventative stuff. Really just good business to operate that way. I think folks appreciate it though.

I’m sure it was no pun intended but a mental block is also a anesthetic tecnique. Numbs up lower teeth from first pemolar to midline as well as gingiva and lip. Sorry just had to show off.

Lsura, you could always call another office. Although some docs get petty about such things. FWIIW our oral surgeons are booked about 2 weeks out also. Fortunatly we do about 99% of our own extractions.

I could (and my dentist doesn’t do extractions in their offices), but I’ve had good experiences with the people he’s referred me to in the past - when I first started seeing him, I needed a referral to get the first implant finished, since I’d moved partway through the process, and that person was great. I do trust the referrals he’s made - though I did agree to see the new person joining the oral surgeon’s office when I go in, or else it would have been significantly longer for the consult. But they’ll get me in and hopefully we’ll be able to schedule the extraction fairly soonish after that. :slight_smile:

Lsura, I agree with you was just pointing out an option. Since you weren’t in pain no big deal to wait . If you had been in pain or swollen that would be a different matter. I refer to specialists because I know them and their work. Since you trust your refering sentist and have had good results with the specialist in the past, waiting makes sense.