Hey all. This is a continuation of the merry adventures of my teeth, first related in my What the heck is going on in my mouth? thread.
After dealing with an Evil Tooth that turned out to be the answer to the above thread’s main question (despite most of us assuming it was just referred pain from the cavity in the tooth next door), I’ve been assiduous in taking good care of my teeth. There are four remaining cavities that have to be dealt with, and two root canal crowns that needed to be replaced, but generally I was relieved not to have anything major.
Well, my teeth had other plans. Yesterday morning I stupidly bit into a fairly hard cluster of granola, promptly feeling a craa-aa-aa-ck and looseness in one of the two former crown sites. (Upper right bicuspid, if you care.) The visible portion of the tooth was now wobbly and uncomfortable/mildly painful.
I was able to get an emergency appt. with one of my dentist’s colleagues, who gave me the option of doing nothing that day but scheduling an extraction for later, or having the annoyingly wobbly part removed immediately and scheduling an extraction for later. I opted for the latter, and one quick jab of local plus a very brief yanking left me with no more pain, and a big freakin’ Jack-o-Lantern smile.
(In an unfortunate coincidence, my new dentist had only just told me a few weeks ago that despite having not had a crown on it for 10 years, the remaining tooth was strong enough to accept a new crown, and so I wouldn’t need an extraction. No more! Sigh.)
Now I’ve scheduled the extraction for August 18, and of course I need to know as much about it. I’ve got panic disorder and the fewer “unknowns” I have in my life, the better.
Oh, and I’m assuming that this will likely be a surgical extraction (I forgot to ask this of my dentist, mainly because until I Googled extractions I didn’t realize there were any other kind). There’s no tooth above the gumline so I don’t see how it could be anything else.
My questions for anyone who’s had this type of extraction:
What should I expect the day of the appointment? For example, will they be taking more x-rays (I didn’t have any yesterday, but my whole mouth was x-rayed less than a month ago.)
What have your experiences been regarding anesthesia options? Is there any possibility that I could just have a local, rather than either sedation or general anesthetic?
The truth is, I’m weird in that I’m not nearly as concerned about pain as I am about anesthetics. Given my panic issues, I actually fear being unconscious more than I do pain. So if possible I’d prefer the least “powerful”/sedating method that’s realistically possible.
(More than anything, physical reactions are what trigger my attacks, rather than specific things like elevators or height or crowds or even dental work; for example, the description of what Nitrous Oxide feels like—tingling in legs, dizziness—are usually what I feel when a panic attack is about to start, so I’d really prefer to avoid those.)
In short, I’d rather be conscious than unconscious, and have less numbness than more. So a local would be preferable to sedation. Is this at all realistic?
Probably a weird question, but I like to be prepared: I’ve already got gauze squares if I should need them while the area is still healing/forming a scab, but is there anything else that would be useful to have in advance? What do you wish you’d had waiting for you at home once you were done?
If you’ve had an implant afterwards, what is that like?
Thanks very very much!