What to Do With 4.5 Pounds of Lousy Beef?

I can’t feed the roadrunners?

Mix it with rice, frozen veggies and a little garlic and feed it to the dog as a treat. That’s what I do with burger mix.

I’ve had a number of different varieties of mole, but they all were pretty spicy.

“Hi, I, uh… I was running the lawnmower and I think I hit something. Do you think you can save it?”

Hamburger Helper.

You can send the roadrunners to me. I’ll see that they’re taken care of.

You eat roadkill?

Listen, my friend. If you start with meat that doesn’t taste right, it doesn’t matter what you do to it. The final product will not taste right. Just take your $5 loss, and say, “Well, I’ve spent $5 on dumber shit.”

Recipe please. I’m still trying to find a really good chili recipe. My husband’s a chocoholic and that sounds freakin’ awesome.

Sorry, I didn’t realize that my recipe submission was going to be graded on chili accuracy.

I like the stuff, myself. And personally I refrain from calling food prepared or suggested by others “nasty” until I’ve at least tried a bite. You are of course entitled to your own preferences.

I can call a folded over slice of Wonder bread filled with ground beef, catsup, and a Kraft single a taco, but it doesn’t make it one.

And I can spend entirely too much time on a message board loudly proclaiming that you have insulted the good name of the taco by referring to your concoction in such a manner, further going on to express my outrage and disgust at your food preferences, but that won’t make it any less a waste of my time.

You don’t like chili – sorry, I mean stew containing tomatoes, beef, onions, and seasoning :rolleyes: – with chocolate and without chiles. Good for you. I do happen to like it, as do a lot of other people. I hope this doesn’t cause you to lose too much sleep at night. Because that would break my heart.

Cook it with lots of garlic, and onions. Chives are nice, too. Add fresh hot peppers, and perhaps some ginger. Hack it into fairly coarse chunks, and freeze it in one cup freezer containers. Microwave the chili, put some cheese over it all. Serve with a salad. If you weren’t a carb weenie, I would recommend it as baked potato sauce.


Maybe make a sturdy pair of beef curtains?

You’re the second person in my life I’ve heard use that phrase! Do you mean the same thing she does?


It’s hardly uncommon: Urban Dictionary: Beef Curtains

Sloppy Joe!
Slop Sloppy Joe!

Can’t believe I’m first one to say (sing) that.