Which commercials do you find very Very VERY annoying?

The Army commercial- “you shook my hand and looked me square in the eye- where’d that come from?” You’re such a manly dad, and you think that macho bullshit is such a desired trait, why didn’t YOU teach him to do it?

The Dr. Pepper commercial. 23rd quarter? 23-23? The answer to a true or false question is 23? The fact that he says 23rd quarter grinds on my nerves all by itself, but it seems to be advertising “Drink Dr. Pepper, and you’ll be too stupid to live!”

You know that commercial where they show that people like you are a bunch of idiots, but if you have their product, you’ll be able to hide the fact that you’re an idiot, because your friends are gullible? I hate that ad.

I’ll rochambeau you for her heart.
This is Buuuuuudweiser…this is beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer.

I also LOATHE the Coors light silver bullet train ads. I hate hate hate hate hate hate them. Ooh, look. It’s a hot day outside. If only there were some way to beat the heat-…oh…what’s this? A…a train approaches?
Oh, the silver bullet train (chilled at some close-to-freezing temperature) zooms through! Everyone is refreshed and nobody is even paying attention to what they were doing beforehand because in addition to providing arctic temperatures and beer, they’re also bringing the fun!
If you can’t tell, they haven’t convinced me.

I also dislike the Lexus/Mercedes commercials where a dude just up and buys his moll a car for Christmas. You know, everyone else in the world gets socks, right?

We gets em in Detroit, and they’re on in Buffalo, NY.

I’ll hold the child, you can punch it until you can’t.

OK, the PS3 ad where there is this creepy baby doll in an empty white room with a PS3. The doll cries and then doesn’t and makes some weirfd noises and is basically just creepy. Then the PS3 box floats and I think then I am supposed to want one. Really?

There is an ad for something called freecreditreport.com. This guy is sitting on a stool and starts out with, “I am thinking of a number between 500 and 800. It’s 720 and it’s my credit score.” No problem with that, until he says you can go to their website and get your credit score for free and, “You can even print it out!” Really? Amazing!

Ooh! I like that one, though!

(the end of a historic quadrapost because I don’t know how to smush them all together into one post)

For years I’ve been loathing the Ditech.com commercials on cable news strations. They’re only shown about 8 billion times every hour.

But those stooooopid milk commercials about the guys from outer space who mispronounce Dairy is dumber than dumb. I can’t beleive they weren’t pulled after the very first showing. I’m really surprised those commercials hadn’t made anyone’s list yet-- or did I miss it somewhere?

And yes, the rapping Gap commercial marks the end of rap as an art form. What’s next?

Why? Because it’s fun, goddammit!


WalMart commercials seem to predominantly use actors who speak in a odd sort of ‘Kenny’s Mom’ (from South Park) whiny southern-ish? accent that I seldom hear anywhere else; friends from Georgia, the Carolinas, Tennessee have pronounced (heh) drawls but do not sound at all like The WalMart People. I don’t know where it’s from. So to me, it’s The WalMart Accent, and unfairly or not, I’ve come to loathe it. Now there’s a Hamburger Helper ad with people speaking with the same accent. Is it supposed to be down-homey? I’m in Massachusetts, so it’s not. Where’s the ladies in commercials talking about their shopping bargains in Chigago or Buffalo accents? That would charm the hell outta me.

There’s a Hidden Valley Ranch commercial where a woman describes the taste by saying “it’s jazzy! Pizazzy!” Husband and I cruelly torment one another with this on a regular basis.

I mostly tape my shows and my VCR will fast-forward through the commercials. However, when the guys come over to watch football, I let them play. I let them play because some people find channel surfing more annoying than commercials and because some people would be annoyed if I didn’t get back to the game in time to see the next play. So we sit through them.

And you beat me to it. I came in here just to mention this POS ad–I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!! About a week ago, I heard it for the first time (this year, I mean), and the first thing I said was, “Oh shit, this one again? I HATE this commercial!” Then I promptly changed the channel!

No nominations for Bob, the creepy male-enhancement guy? Good Lord, I don’t care how big his schlong is, there isn’t a normal woman that would give him a second of her time.

The commercials for that brokerage or whatever where the characters are sort of half-human, half animated looking things. Either have live action or cartoons, please don’t try to split the difference.

I know this doesn’t fit with the TV watcher’s stereotype but I don’t actually sit with the remote glued to my hand while I watch TV. Occasionally, the remote isn’t even within easy reach gasp! Shocking, I know. Judging by the responses here I would guess that other people may also be these rare types of people like me that actually don’t keep their remotes in hand and fingers poised on the mute button just to be prepared for those annoying commercials.

Besides, if you do change stations you just get more annoying commercials.
Anyway, I came in to agree with the commercial mentioned in the OP. It reminds of of an old Saturday Night Live sketch, one that bombed and went on forever (although that could also apply to most of the new sketches, too).

There’s one where an SUV, I think the new, funky hoodede Dodge, goes crashing through the Earth’s crust, then mantle, core, etc encountering all matter of funky, unrealistic stuff on the way though and then pops out the other side. It’s inaccurate… and the music sucks.

I like both of these. The pickup ad especially, because for once, it’s a motor vehicle ad that’s not directed toward sleek, glossy, urban folks or soccer moms.

Also, if I’m watching something I don’t want to miss even a SECOND of, I won’t flip during commercials, just so I can make sure I won’t miss anything.

“Jimmy cracked corn and I don’t care…” Bwhaaa, I laugh every time.

The Geico discriminated-against cavemen ads. It wasn’t funny, nor did it make sense, the first time. It only gets worse as they labor on with more & more spots showing this irksome guy. What is the point of these ads?