White House caught planting a stooge in the press corps

Lol, which?

I would much rather my president be an honest liar than a dishonest liar.

We wouldn’t be talking gay military websites would we?

The story is developing in a sub rosa sort of way, lots of bloggery (try eschaton or Americablog for a start…) Paltry coverage in the tedia, so far, but the Plame connection might strike a spark.

But he resigned due to concern for his family. When I hear that, I smell blood in the water…

I have entirely too much personal integrity to link you to cites which purport to show our Mr. “Gannon” in what looks to be gay-type photos (about which I know bupkiss, but that’s what it looks like to me…) You can find them readily enough, you deve.

On top of that, I hear he’s stolen the Triforce and kidnapped Princess Zelda.

I think the whole thing is outrageous and reprehensible, but since I’m apparently one of those retarded liberals who hates America, I must not be correct in thinking so. I sure hope Brutus comes along soon and explains just why I shouldn’t pay any attention at all to this issue. I mean, duffer tried real hard to be as dismissive as possible, but his response was just lacking somehow.

I heard it covered big on NPR on the way home tonight.

Link to the Snopes thread on this scandal-bubble. My goodness…not only is he allegedly involved in a military gay prostitution ring, there’s something about a connection to the Plame affair in there, too. I seriously thought luce was making a joke… :eek:

Hehe, this should get interesting then.

Yeah - big funny joke. This is seriously wrong. Not funny, not small.

This guy (apparently invented around early 2002) was pitching softballs to the CIC from the 4th row for years. Can YOU get that close without a background check?

This isn’t planting rumors and spinning news, this is scripting press conferences.

You never expect the puckish elucidation.

Gosh, ya think? And here I was, not giving it the proper outrage on this internet message board. I hope my irreverence in this critical medium has not damaged the Union.

No, I doubt I could. What’s your point?

Someone should really start a thread about that.

He’s also posted on FreeRepublic, bragging about his role in breaking the Dan Rather/Memogate affair. This guy is all over the place.

Funny that amidst the gay military porn/escort domains, he also registered ExposeJesseJackson.com

Keith Olbermann just referred to him as “Ali G. without the satire” and summarised the story as “the scandal that keeps on giving”.

Sigh. As much as I hate to say it, I agree with Diogenes on this one. This isn’t good.

There is a detailed timeline of this guy’s role in the Plame matter over at daily Kos

The central question posed is this:

So a guy with no real journalistic credentials, who’s not even using his real name gets a day pass, day after day, to occupy space in the press room at the White House. Even if his questions didn’t sound like Karl Rove was holding a cue card, that would be really odd.

Remember scandals? I recall millions of dollars of public money spent investigating some real estate deal in Arkansas that turned out to be nothing. In this administration, almost every week, over and over for years now, stuff comes up that should be a major scandal, yet it doesn’t seem to have any effect. We’re living in a near-future satirical version of our own country.

Not necessarily. There is always the gay/military/Republican underground as a source of classified documents.

C’mon, Baldwin…didn’t you hear? Our brand spankin’ new Attorney General considers special prosecutors, like the Geneva Conventions, ‘quaint’…

Dude, I demanded nothing. I responded to his post. He’s a big boy, I bet he can figure out that I don’t expect him to jump out of bed.

But thanks for looking out for him.

Fox News is shocked! shocked!