White House caught planting a stooge in the press corps

If I was that willing to tongue-wash Bush’s balls, I absolutely guarantee you that I too could be setting up tee-balls for El Presidente and Son of Serial Divorcee. It probably helps that I’ve got a few personal connections with the bastards who run this clown act, but then again, I’m not a prostitute so the standards can’t be that high.

“A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right.” – Thomas Paine

Paine was ahead of his time.

Americans get what they deserve because they don’t seem to have the balls to fight for truth, justice, and the American Way. Ah, on second thought, scratch the American Way because the American Way is all about whimping out now.

Keith Olbermann covered this on Countdown on MSNBC tonight, but it hasn’t shown up on the website yet. I think it will take a day or two, but it is starting to develop legs. Taken together with Armstrong Williams and the rest, a pattern is developing, one that becomes harder and harder for the White House to dismiss.

You know, I am always interested to see our more conservative brethren (and sistrens?) respond in threads like this. Listening to their arguments, or in the case they have none, their dismissals, is always educational to me.

So how bout it? Why is this OK for this to happen with this Administration?

Howzabout “patriotic conservative blogger hounded from public view by homophobic liberal slander-mongers!”

I know it sounds glib, but you guys really need to sort out your Congress so that some serious investigation of the Bush Admin can occur. Mind you, we’re in for similar fun and games after July when our Upper House joins the Lower House in coming under the control of the federal Liberal government. It’s never good for the citizenry of a country to have one political party control all aspects of government, regardless of your political stripes.

I think you’re misunderstanding Terrifel. Any segment of bandwidth that doesn’t have a duffer post in it can’t be ALL bad…

Truer words have never graced this noble forum.


I stand corrected.

Brevity is the soul of twit.

Disgusting. I’m waiting to see how Bricker spins this one. Where are you, Bricker? We’re waiting for some Bush toadying.

Bricker condemned the journalist payola, didn’t he? Why wouldn’t he condemn this almost insane scheme too? I still don’t see that we’ve got Bush nailed directly in this one: even if his people are involved, they are very very good at denying direct knowledge or responsibility: in part probably because Bush’s people operate on personal loyalty leadership scheme which doesn’t make direct orders as necessary to go to crazy extremes.

I mean: militaryprostitutesm4m? Is that really something Rove would let his guy get ANYWHERE near?

wow… just wow…

I can only imagine what the Conservatives would have made of this happening during Clinton’s terms.

Of course, he didn’t need the help. He had a vast Liberal Media covering for him. Right?


Do you ever have anything to add to political threads? Why don’t you take Bush’s cock out of your mouth for a second and post something that’s actually relevant to the OP? Goddamn, you come off as a stupid motherfucker.

Truer words have never graced this noble forum.

See, that was funny.

The gay-pimping allegations (of military personnel yet), if true, will be very tough to spin in Peoria. (“Dammit, these men f***** for their country!”)

We’ll know there’s something to the claims if the White House calls for a constitutional amendment declaring prostitution as an act between a man and a woman.

What I want to know is whether he the stooge wore brown shirts to the press conferences.

Fake Journalist 2.0?