Who's More Annoying: Dobby or JarJar?

I give my vote to Dobby. I seriously dislike the character in the books, as well as the whole house elf emancipation subplot that was (fortunately) expunged from the GoF movie.

As a movie character, I absolutely loathe Dobby. The CGI is piss-poor, and characters that speak of themselves in the 3rd person annoy me no end.

Jar-Jar didn’t bother me as much. The movies he’s in suck anyway.

Jar Jar, for the simple reason that he has a lot more screen time.


Words cannot begin to describe…

Did you rate the CGI worse than Jar Jar though? I thought that it was pretty good by comparison; Jar Jar just looks slapped-on to me.

Jar-Jar is, in fact, a critical figure in the Star Wars movies. He is the hero of the first movie… he completes the Campbellian Hero’s Journey. And that’s not accidental.

Then, he is duped into leading the way for Palpatine to become Emperor. His speeches are pivotal in that.

And he never knows any of it.

That said, he’s annoying as hell, but he’s critical to the ‘epic’ part.

JarJar is more horrible. Dobby is less annoying than he is in the books.

And that’s precisely why I hate Jar Jar more, only you said it much better than I did. :slight_smile:

Some day thirty or so years from now after George Lucas dies and someone can film a remake of Star Wars, I hope they make Jar Jar a real three dimensional character, not a “real character” in “3D”.

Dobby is an object of pity, not of annoyance. Jar-Jar is an object of “Will somone please get rid of that thing”. I can’t even see why anyone would consider classifying Dobby with Jar-Jar.

I actually like both, but I’d vote for Dobby. If only because Jar Jar wasn’t actively trying to seriously maim anyone to save their lives.

And the only people Jar Jar MAY have called “Massa” were Qui-Gon Jinn or Obi-Wan Kenobi. And in that case it’s not racist since their titles were Jedi Master. (Master Qui-Gon, Master Kenobi, etc.)

Hell, I thought Annakin and C-3P0 were both more annoying than Jar-Jar.

I suspect the Gungan race is a bit offended by him.

Jar Jar was more annoying to me. But that’s mainly because I watched his movie and didn’t see Dobby’s.

But I definitely agree Jar Jar is a racist sterotype. I don’t think Lucas intended him as such. But he was imitated the “Stepin Fetchit” characters of the 1930’s and failed to consider how racist those characters are now seen as.

Would it be cruel of me to suggest that Jar Jar was really there to distract everyone from how much the rest of the movie sucked?

What Ragumaster said. Dooby’s irritation traits are done deliberately by the filmmakers, for reasons inherent to the plot. That is, the film-makers were berately trying to make Dooby annoying, pathetic, etc.

Jar-Jar was supposed to be a comic relief type of character, a humorous side-kick, but came across as an unnecessary annoyance. As such, he wins the price for Most Annoying in my book.

The human race.

Jar Jar is more annoying. If I lived at Hogwarts, I would avoid Dobby. If I lived in the Star Wars universe, I would kill Jar Jar with my bare hands. No jury would convict me.

Cruel yes, Valid Yes.

Sure…but can someone explain to my why Jar Jar jad to be severely mentally retarded?

Totally unnecessary. Then again, I’m not much for silly fart jokes, either.

-Joe, ewww stinky stinky (sa)

Yeah, he does look pasted on in “The Phantom Menace.” But that was 1999, and I look on it as another case of Lucas pushing the technology. By “Revenge of the Sith,” Jar-Jar almost looked real.

As I recall, Lucas was trying to make him a hero for the three year olds, that the movies are really geared to.

It, uh, didn’t work so well.

Jar-Jar, when I read the post I didnt even know who the hell doby was. I havent seen the latest potter flick but nothing compares to jar-jar. the heavey racist overtones in a movie totaly devoid of anything else even remotly un-pc in it and the main character time given to one aimed at little kids pushes him way way way over the top.