Why Did She Marry This Guy?

If my sweetie asks me to increase my life insurance and make her the sole beneficiary, I’m hauling ass outta there.

I think that it never does any harm to let everyman and his dog know that on my death they will get nothing,Nada,Zilcho even if I’m lying which I’m not .
Apart from anything else I want everyone who is close to me to be gutted on hearing of my death.

Not “oh what a shame but at least I’ve got a few grand out of it ,lets go down the pub.”

Yeah, I would guess that she lied about it just because she hadn’t gotten around ot it or maybe she was expecting, on some level, that they might end up divorced or something like that. I don’t think she expected him to kill her. Only an extremely paranoid person would EXPECT that their sweetie pie who had professed love and a desire for marriage was secretly planning their death for insurance money.

Plus sometimes people aren’t entirely logical about romantic issues. Many, many women stay with horrible men that any logical, impartial observer could recognize as being dangerous in one way or another.
(And surely the same goes for guys too - but it seems like you hear all the time about husbands murdering their wives.)

Anyway, that’s very tragic - what a horrible way to go…and the pic of her on the bottom of the ocean is creepy. :frowning:

The sad fact is that dangerous men tend to be manly. (And no, this doesn’t imply that manly men tend to be dangerous.)

If she lied in the “yeah, yeah, I’ll get to it” sense, intending to maybe do it later, that’s one thing. If she lied because she had no intention of doing it, that says to me she might have seen some other red flags. If she did, I have NO IDEA why she’d go ahead and marry him. Seems rather…I don’t know the word I want here. Not irresponsible, or naive…suicidal? :smiley: No, I don’t mean that either. Does anyone know what word I want here? I suppose “stupid” would work…

But the simple request itself might not bother me, depending on how it was phrased.

When I started diving, I thought this was the way to commit the perfect murder - turn off your buddy’s air, hold them in place till they die, deflate BC so they sink, swim back to the boat, shore, whatever and say you were separated from your buddy and get Search & Rescue going. If you’re both wearing wetsuits, there won’t be any/much physical evidence on the body, and most of that will get washed away by the seawater anyway. And if you’re smart enough to do it in really deep water, they might not find the body for days, if ever.

Even if you are much bigger than your buddy, your going to have a very upset and VERY combative person on your hands that is going to do every thing in there power to get out of your grip or get your spare or primary regulator. And if they are thinking, they will drop their weights.

And you better make sure knowbody sees you struggling. ehhh. I hate to even think about it.

If the body is found, if the air is turned off… lots of questions will be asked.

I don’t know what to think of here. He left her to get help. :dubious: