Why does water cost more than soda?

friedo: like most people, I’m somewhat less than willing to accept that 25% of bottled water equals “most bottled water”. :wink:

Further,. I take slight issue with the NRDC’s statement “about one-fourth of bottled water is actually bottled tap water”. It ignores the fact the bottled water manufacturers reprocess municipal tap water before they rebottle and sell it: applying distillation, reverse osmosis, deionisation, or filtration. NRDC stretch the truth a little to describe the product as simply, “bottled tap water” – what is sold in bottles is quite different in chemical composition to munipical potable water.

Why not just stock on on bottled water while it is on sale? I picked up 8 6 packs of Aquafina 24 ounce bottles, 2 6 packs for $4. I always buy enough to last untill the next sale.

I also think that the reason the regular price for the bottled water is because moe people are switching from soda to water. The two big soft drink manufacturers decided to start selling water so they can get a huge chunk of the water market.

And I’d say rubbish. I have beside me a bottle that I have refilled and refilled more or less every day for the last four-five years. I have not yet got sick from drinking out of it. The main reason that the sellers of bottled water don’t want you to refilll the bottles is that they want to sell you new ones at ridiculous prices.

Agree with 100%.

The brainwashed public will buy anything, if they think it will protect them from the great bad stuff!

Where I worked (petrochemicals) for 32 years everything we produced including the raw materials were classified as dangerous hazardous material by EPA. Yet everydayI breathed it, got it all over me and I’m as healthy as ever. EPA said it would cause cancer in mice. But I don’t know of an employee that had cancer… several have died of heart trouble and old age! The public is so affraid of chemicals and plastic due to brainwashing.