Worst movie title?

Speaking of not being able to pronounce things, I still don’t have any idea how to say Gigli (Not that I’d ever need to.)

I’ll go with you on Ya Ya but Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants is a great title. It’s about a bunch of girls who are as close as sisters and they mail a pair of pants to each other, thus the pants “travel.” It describes the movie and it’s evocative with a great flow to it. What would you have called it? They Mail Some Jeans?

I personally thought Meet the Robinsons was a bit vanilla and didn’t fit the movie. but then Pixar isn’t so great at titles, anyway.

What’s wrong with Ya-Ya? I never saw the movie, but I read and loved the book, and thought it was intriguing and appropriate.

The Man with the Smallest Penis in Existence and the Electron Microscope Technician Who Loved Him

1.) I kinda like the title

2.) It was Disney animation, which isn’t Pixar. Pixar has pretty good titles.

Yeah? See, I’m like, "what about quiz shows? A scandal? Oh. Hm. Well why not I’ll take ‘The Great Quiz Show Scandal of the 1950s’ for 200 Alex.

Hee hee. Or something. Just QUIZ SHOW reeks of ‘woo woo this is so important’ to me. :rolleyes: Like a guying pitching the movie and doing a big headline with his arms. "The title? Just … QUIZ SHOW. That’s IT! ::: arms pan ::: Quiz Show.

I thought of another one: a horror movie called The Frighteners. :stuck_out_tongue: You’re kidding, right? I’m scared … I’ve been frightened.

This keeps making me think of the Troy McClure classic: The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel.

I don’t think either of them are particularly attractive titles.

Here’s another: The Glimmer Man. The relevance of the title isn’t made manifest except by a throw-away aside by one of the characters, 3/4 of the way through the movie. And unlike the other movie that does a similar thing (Chasing Amy), this one just falls flat. I went, “huh?” out loud when I saw the movie.


Closed for Remodeling

Maybe it was the poster that got me.

“Fifty million people watched, but no one saw a thing.”

Robert Redford. John Turturro. Ralph Fiennes.

Yeah, I’ll see that.

A recent title I can’t stand is Michael Clayton. I enjoyed the movie, but whenever I’m discussing it I call it “Micheal… uuuh… something- with George Clooney” because I just can’t remember the title. It’s not the worst ever, but it is laaaaaaaame.

Krakatoa, East of Java.

I actually like Mr. Magorium… as a title. Kind of whimsical. Not sure I’ll go see it though.

Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama

Hmm…on second thought, that might be the **greatest ** title ever.

How about Amazon Women in the Avacado Jungle of Death? Or Doctor Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine? Winners, both.

Cannibal Women, I believe. We really should be precise here…this is a science.

Not a bad title, actually, aside from the geographical error (which I’ve written of before on this Board). It’s dramatic, and says where it takes place (Krakatoa, which at least is right), and to anyone who knows a bit of history, it indicates what it’s probably about.

I have to agree about Ballistic and Metalstorm. Those are prety awful and obscure.

I’ve mentioned Sorceror. Sorceress is just about as bad. It’s been the title of three movies. One of these didn’t even involve any actual sorceresses. It’s absurd to describe such different films with the very same title. Just goes to show that you can’t judge a movie by its title.

13 Tzameti. Good movie, but. . .

I totally agree with this, and would like to add that Love in the Time of Cholera sounds like a romance novel that Marge Simpson would be seen reading.